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他死于过分劳累。He died from overwork.

当心不要过分劳累。Don't overwork that excuse.

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我想他是劳累过度了。?。I think he's been overworking.

希望你不要过度劳累。I hope you won't get over-tired.

这些劳累的孩子直到7点才回家。The tired children get home 7pm.

你不要过分劳累。Perhaps you suffer from overwork.

过度劳累开始损害他的健康。Strain began to tell on his health.

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多年的劳累压弯了他的腰。His back is bent from years of toil.

他的健康因劳累过度而受到损害。His health is endangered by overwork.

过度劳累会引起许多疾病。Overworking induces a lot of illness.

他做那项新工作太劳累了。He overworked himself on that new job.

当他劳累的时候他放慢了速度。He slackened his pace as he got tired.

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进而它会引起消沉感和劳累感。Then it causes depression and fatigue.

他因过分劳累和焦虑而精疲力竭。He is played out by overwork and worry.

劳累时想起弗吉尼亚森林。As toilsome I wander'd Virginia's woods.

你觉得劳累过度和过度?Do you feel overworked and overextended?

过度劳累搞垮了他的身体。Overwork is the ruination of his health.

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假如你工作过分劳累,身体会拖垮的。You will break down if you work too hard.

我劳累过度,损坏了我的心脏。I overdid it at work and damaged my heart.

好好休息——过度劳累是创造力的杀手。Get lots of rest. Overwork kills creativity.