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形式如同河堤。Form is like the riverbanks.

这河堤是匆匆筑成的。An embankment has been thrown up.

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他爬下河堤去摘花。He climbed down the bank to pick flowers.

深绿的河柳,浅灰的河堤。The dark green willow, light gray riverbank.

成群的鹤从河堤那边飞起来。Flocks of cranes fly up from the further riverbank.

河堤上的马用鼻子轻蹭着粗糙的棉白杨树。Horses nuzzled the rough cottonwoods by the riverbank.

洪水冲破河堤,成千上万的人们背井离乡。Hundreds were flooded out when the canal burst its bank.

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没人知道下一次出问题是桥梁,河堤还是水管。No one can predict what bridge, levee or water main will fail next.

地图来自谷歌地图,标记A为尔瓦河堤。Map from Google Maps, with "A" marking the location of the Elwha River dams.

一条西部棉口蛇在穿越伊利诺斯一条河堤路的旅途中未能幸存下来。A western cottonmouth didn't survive the trip across a levee road in Illinois.

洪水从河堤的一道决口冲了出来。Flood waters poured through a gap in the embankment of the swollen Jumna River.

亚穆纳河涨水,洪水从河堤的一道决口冲了出来。Flood waters poured through a gap in the embankment of the swollen jumna river.

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当地的原生草被很多人视为“丑陋的野草”,我们用它来加固河堤。Native grasses—“ugly weeds” most thought—were used to stabilize the riverbanks.

河堤便是这样产生的,水道也开始变窄,轮廓更加分明。Thus the riverbank was born and waterways began to get thinner and more defined.

河堤花园里的树木背衬着灯光燃炽的夜空巍巍屹立。The trees in the Embankment garden stood bulky against the incandescent Sky-line.

到处都可以看到流离失所的家庭——河堤上,野地上和路边。Families are visible everywhere—on riverbanks, open ground and along the roadside.

我曾祖母住在密西西比河附近,在河堤旁有一艘游艇。The houseboat on the banks of the Mississippi in which my great-grandmother lived.

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他们确定今冬兴修的水利项目是修筑河堤。They decided that their water conservancy project this winter was to bank up the river.

三家店下游的平原一望无际,高高的河堤远远伸向天尽头。Below Sanjiadian was a boundless plain, across which a high dike stretched to the horizon.

这跟多年前还没有兴建河堤时,河水自然流入这个湖的情况相似。It also mimics the natural flows that used to occur many years ago when the levees were not here.