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他只是一个乐于拍马屁的人。He's just a brown-noser.

他很乐于这样做。And he relished doing this.

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因此我将乐于出席。And so I would love to attend.

它将非常乐于发芽。It germinates very obligingly.

我固然乐于保持这趟门开著。I'd love to keep the door open.

他们有条理清晰、乐于交际。They were organized and social.

她乐于和别人分享满园春色。She believed in sharing her garden.

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喜欢做善事,乐于拿财物接济有困难的人。Like to do good things, and be happy?

菲利普斯乐于赞成这个观点。Philips willingly accepted this view.

他总是乐于接受批评。He is always ready to accept criticism.

我不介意。其实,我很乐于帮忙。I don't mind. Inded, I am delighted to help.

人们通常都乐于帮助初学者。People are usually willing to help beginners.

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属猪者天生乐于付出,谦让,为他人效劳。Pigs are born to give, to yield and to serve.

因此,我更乐于尝新,敢于冒险。So I prefer to try new things and take risks.

我们乐于与你们公司合作。We are happy to amalgamate with your company.

但我想年轻的服务员会乐于接受。But I think the younger waiters would take it.

我的姑姑凯瑟琳活泼美丽,是个乐于奉献的人。My aunt Kik was beautiful, lively, and giving.

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医院的护士薛焕英,很不乐于见到她。Xue Huanying, a nurse, was not happy to see her.

然而我们似乎还在乐于高估中国。And yet we seem to revel in overestimating China.

唐纳先生乐于帮助不幸的人们。Mr. Donner indulges in helping unfortunate people.