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笑声对你的身体和灵魂都大有裨益。Laughter is great for you – body and soul.

这种推荐对望大有裨益。Such recommendations will weigh in his favour.

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在色彩理论上个速成班对你大有裨益。A crash course in color theory will go a long way.

单从经济角度来看,安全生产也是大有裨益的。From a financial stand-point alone, safety pays off.

鼓励的笑靥于你我大有裨益。The dimples of encouragement are good for me and you.

诊断对个人其实是大有裨益的。There are enormous internal, personal benefits to diagnosis.

这对法律、医疗界的各人大有裨益。Those in legal and medical profession will be benefited a lot.

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经常沐浴阳光对你的身体、大脑和灵魂都大有裨益。Being in constant sunlight does much for your body, mind and soul.

所以,静态类型安全在这一层中将会大有裨益。This layer is the layer where static type safety will really help.

另一个对全面学习大有裨益的就是追溯或复习。Another technique that works well with holistic learning is retracing.

而对曹颖惠来说,与艾康尼斯的合作也大有裨益。And for Cao Yinghui, and Palmer nice cooperation will be of great advantage.

胡显然认为苹果在会议上讨论Lark是大有裨益的。Hu apparently felt it was worth having Apple talk Lark up at these conferences.

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在沙拉或三明治中加入些鳄梨会对你的身体大有裨益。Adding chopped avocados to salads or sliced ones to sandwiches will go a long way.

我想,简短而有健康内容的文章,对英语学习者是大有裨益的。I think, short and simple article with good facts can help English leaners as much.

好文章,我们多的是做法,经验,少的是总结,提升。多看看会大有裨益的。What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left. aha.

如果这些可以得到平衡,选读职业学校就会对未来事业的发展大有裨益。If these can be balanced, the use of a vocational school will be a bonus for his career.

专家说,轮牧不仅对草场和牲畜大有裨益,还能节约金钱。Experts say rotational grazing is good for the land and the animals, and it can save money.

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借鉴他人的观念和做法,用以自省,订正差误,是大有裨益的。It is useful for us to learn from others' ideas and practices, in order to make amendments.

这种隐晦的互动对于和谐的夫妻生活大有裨益。This kind interact obscurely to live to have profit greatly to harmonious husband and wife.

我们的翻译写作栏目中有许多文章实际上对写作能力的提高也是大有裨益的。Many exercises in our tra lation column are also helpful in improving your ability in writing.