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而我们仍然被源源不断的CEO们胡作非为的故事吓得胆战心惊。And we're treated to a constant stream of stories about CEOs run amok.

议员猛烈抨击了总统的胡作非为。The congressman launched a strong attack on the president's misconduct.

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那一百名武士都是品行端正,绝不胡作非为的。The hundred knights were all men of choice behaviour and sobriety of manners.

这种权利意识对了解人们为什么在高位上会胡作非为具有关键意义。This sense of entitlement is crucial to understanding why people misbehave in high office.

他对以往的胡作非为的回忆使得他精神上受到了惩罚。He tried to imprint the number on his memory . He was scourged by the memory of his misdeeds.

雷蒙是一个十足的野心家,带领军队在当地胡作非为,人民生活在水深火热之中。Raymond is a full careerist, to lead the army in the local act, people living in dire straits.

这些人不仅在他人博客上胡作非为,而且还建立自己的博客网络。Instead of just abusing other people's blogs, these spammers just create their own blog networks.

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马利被狗狗训练营开除后,继续胡作非为,在家里称王称霸。Kicked out of obedience school, Marley continues to misbehave and pretty much control the household.

他们科尔搬运工的版本,让胡作非为众所周知,早在1928年录得一年。They are well known for their version of Cole Porters Lets Misbehave, recorded a year earlier in 1928.

美国的顶级富豪常遭受习惯性公众整肃,不管是时运不济还是胡作非为被曝光。America's wealthiest are subject to a ritual public purge whenever hard times hit and excesses come to light.

她姘识了一个汉子,一个不相干、她不爱的人,那完全是出自心中的愤懑和存心要胡作非为。She took a lover, the first who offered, a man whom she did not love, out of bravado and with rage in her heart.

四天来,暴徒在这个城市很多地区胡作非为,他们抢劫商店、斗殴、恐吓他人。For four days now, mobs have run amok in multiple areas across this city, looting, brawling, and terrorizing people.

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当真正要面对孩子的胡作非为时,提前做好准备会帮助你控制情绪。Having plans made in advance will help you control your emotions when the time comes for a response for bad behavior.

我的意思是,我说,我一入睡泰勒就掌管了我鼻青脸肿的身体跑到外面胡作非为。My point being, I say, I fall asleep and Tyler is running off with my body and punched-out face to commit some crime.

至于研究能否为因胡作非为尔收到责备的青少年开脱责任,他说,“那是留给哲学家的问题。”As to whether any study can absolve teens of blame for their antics, he said, “That’s a question for the philosophers.”

他们也是核国家,有核武器并不意味着可以胡作非为。已经有核国家奔溃的前车之鉴。They are also N-power. having N-power does mean u can do anything. there are calapse a country even though its N-power.

一个社会再自由开放也决不容许一些人为了险恶目的而胡作非为。A society, no matter how free and open it is, never allows some people to commit all kinds of outrages for evil purposes.

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我们也不像有的国家那样胡作非为,借口保卫神圣的领空,竟然击落客机,断送客机上269人的无辜性命。Nor do we commit wanton acts, such as shooting 269 innocent people out of the sky for the so-called cause of sacred airspace.

神父为了自己的名誉,放任自己的侄女胡作非为,只要不把火烧到他头上,顺便也替他排除异己。Father to his reputation, while allowing his niece abuses, as long as not to fire upon him, by the way also for his exclusionary.

没有自身音乐的人,或者不会受到美声之和谐所感动的人,是容易背叛、耍诈、胡作非为。The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils.