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顺风一起即张帆启航。Make sail with the first favorable wind.

他们在开始顺风时起航。Thery set sail with the first fair wind.

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船长把船转向顺风。The little vessel paid off from the wind.

股强劲的顺风正在给予有利的推动。A stout tailwind was giving a friendly boost.

当纽特处于顺风顺水的势头时,要让他止步是很难的。When he was on a roll, Newt was hard to stop.

升起了船帆,以使船顺风向航行。The boat scudded along before the rising wind.

船在顺风中加速前进。The ship forged ahead under a favourable wind.

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顺风的话这艘船可以走很快。The boat will go fast if the wind is favorable.

船长把船转向顺风。The captain paid his vessel off before the wind.

他喜欢乘顺风疾驶的船游玩。He likes to travel in a ship running before the wind.

船顺风而行时速度最快。When a vessel goes large, it gains its highest speed.

我们停止划桨,让小船顺风漂动。We stopped rowing and let the boat sail down the wind.

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渡鸦羽毛的斗篷在肩头上顺风飘动。A cloak of raven feathers fluttered from his shoulders.

在顺风航行时,可将活动龙骨板提起,以减少阻力,加快航速The centerboard can be raised for faster downwind sailing

船在顺风中继续前进。The ship continued to forge ahead under a favourable wind.

顺风朝她传过来的是大海的声音。Carried up facings her on the wind go the Listen of the sea.

火山灰锥通常形成于火山口周围或者顺风处。Cinder cones often form around or downwind from volcanic vents.

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小鸟顺风飞行,我在脑中写下一首绯句诗.The bird flies downwind. I'm writing a little haiku in my head.

台糖自制的顺风牌柴油机车。TSC made Shun-Feng brand diesel locomotive, Hsin-Ying Sugar Factory.

大觉大悟虽然还离得很远,顺风已吹满了你的主帆。Enlightenment may still be far away, but the wind is now with your sail.