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你如何接受圣子?How do you accept the son?

离开到祈福圣子之时。Gone back in time to bless the child.

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圣子与圣父同体。圣子与圣父同体。The Son is consubstantial with the Father.

天主圣子同我们分享了祂的蒙选。The Son of God shares his chosenness with us.

求上帝圣子主伊伊稣斯合利斯托斯可怜有罪的人。Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy upon us sinners.

在那里,三位智者为基督圣子呈上礼物。There the three wise men present gifts to the Christ child.

以圣父,圣子,圣灵的名义,阿门。In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, Amen.

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耶稣的名字,是道成肉身圣子的人类名字。The name Jesus is the human name of the incarnates Son of God.

保罗因到处宣传耶稣就是圣子而身处危境。Because Paul preached that Jesus is the Son of God he was in danger.

藤冈圣子,1982年生于日本爱媛县松山市。Seiko Fujioka was born in Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture, Japan in 1982.

圣父非受造,圣子非受造,圣灵也非受造。The Father uncreated , the Son uncreated, and the Holy Spirit uncreated.

上帝只有一个圣子,他被派到人间做了一名传教医生。God had but one Son, and he was sent into the world to be a mission doctor.

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永远的法则与天主共存。那么,这就是圣父与圣子同体的那个神圣的实体吗?。Is that then the divine substance wherein Father and Son are consubstantial?

那么圣西罗能再次迎回他们的圣子卡卡吗?Will San siro once again echo with the chants of “per vedere segnare kaka” ?

那么,这就是圣父与圣子同体的那个神圣的实体吗?Is that then the divine substance wherein Father and Son are consubstantial ?

那些有圣子德,有生活,谁没有圣子,就没有生活。He who has the son, has life, he who does not have the son does not have life.

万能的天主,请佑母亲身体安康,诚向我主为善良的人祈祷,以圣父、圣子、圣灵之名,阿门。Wish God bless my Mom's surgery successful! In the name of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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“我害怕空气里的东西,”圣子说,“可是我们必须回来。”"I'm afraid of what's in the air here, " Seiko said. "But I knew we had to come back."

在救赎历史中,救赎之约对圣子而言是讲到祂的工作,对我们而言是讲到赐给我们的救恩。In the history of redemption, the pactum salutis means works for the Son and grace for us.

我们的宇宙,叫做内巴顿,这个巨大领域内有一个领导,一个叫做基督的迈克尔圣子。Our Universe, called Nebadon, has at its head of this vast realm, a Michael called Christ.