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鸭子摇摇摆摆地走过去。Ducks went wobbling by.

摇摇摆摆落向地面。Flutter down to the ground.

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那个胖男人摇摇摆摆的向她跑去。The fat man waddled up to her.

鸭子摇摇摆摆地穿过道路。The ducks waddled across the road.

士兵们沿路摇摇摆摆地前进。The soldiers swung along the street.

终于,他摇摇摆摆地站起来了。Finally, he is standing on shaking legs.

她的两岁的儿子摇摇摆摆地走进屋里。Her two-year-old son toddled into the room.

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在他们母亲后面的小年轻慢慢摇摇摆摆走路。The youngsters waddled in a row behind their mother.

我想跳舞的时候摇摇摆摆,走路的时候扭来扭去。I want to shimmy when I dance and wiggle when I walk.

他这样摇摇摆摆地迈步,使这些宽敞的房间似乎显得太狭小了。The wide rooms seemed too narrow for his rolling gait.

威利在摇摇摆摆走路时,威利可怕的燕子在学样。Willie's awesome swallow follows while Willie waddles.

当然,高跟鞋让她走路摇摇摆摆,但她看上去真的很不错。Sure, she wobbled on those high heels, but she looked good.

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他摇摇摆摆走过大街的样子好像对这个世界毫无牵挂。He didn't have a care in the world as he waddled down the street.

将帆影撒在海面上,摇摇摆摆地分开了海水。We shadow the sea with our sails, and reelingly cleave the brine.

中午,我又去看小葱,小葱在风中摇摇摆摆,好象是在跳舞。At noon, I see shallot , shallot swaying in the wind, as if dancing.

树儿也张开了小手,摇摇摆摆,给人们带来了一阵阵清风。A tree has also opened a small hands, swayed, gave rise to waves of breeze.

无论什么方向,都能看到它们在丛林的地面上摇摇摆摆地爬行。In either direction they wobble over the jungle floor as far as the eye can see.

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但正是靠着这种摇摇摆摆的样子,企鹅才得以承受其栖息地的酷寒气候。”But it is this waddle that allows penguins to tolerate their bitterly cold habitat.

突然管理员大发奇想,带着一种鸟类特有的欢欣摇摇摆摆地向窗户走去。Suddenly an idea struck the clerk, and with avian glee he tottered towards the window.

一个喝醉的人摇摇摆摆地进入天主教徒的告解室坐下来没有说什么话。A drunk staggers into a Catholic Church, enters a confessional box, sits down but says nothing.