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仙女们能飞。Fairies can fly.

仙女们能飞吗?Can the fairies fly?

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“小仙女”是你的名字。"Nymph" is your name.

噢不,亲爱的幸运仙女。Oh no,my dear Luck Fairy.

好心的仙女们帮助他。The good fairies help him.

跟一个仙女,手拉着手。With a faery, hand in hand.

我们所在的银河系以及我们的紧邻仙女座星系都属于涡旋状星系,而银河系又是一个棒旋星系。The Milky Way is a barred spiral.

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小叮当是一个极好的仙女。Tinker Bell is a wonderful fairy.

这是“水中仙女二元体”通常的结局。This is how naiad dyads often end.

那些极乐世界的仙女们。Those fairy forms of bliss Elysian.

仙女于是赐给了她无穷的财富。Fairy gave her boundless money then.

仙女亦有偷闲时。The fairy also needs to have leisure.

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仙女们已经离开“,艾略特写到。The nymphs are departed," Eliot says.

亲爱的仙女,我想要一些巧克力!Dear peri , May I have some chocolate?

再也没有坏仙女的消息了。The bad fairy was never heard of again.

两次迷路,没有行李。等待仙女救援。Lost twice, no baggage, awaiting charmer.

嫁给我,女孩,作我的小仙女。Marry me, girl, be my fairy to the world.

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阿瑞塞莎是位迷人的仙女猎人。Arethusa was once a fairy maiden huntress.

丹芙妮是位妩媚动人的仙女。Daphne was a lovely blooming fairy maiden.

大家都说她是美如仙女的女人。Everybody says she is an angel of a woman.