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而「爱心」则是敬虔生命的流露。Love is life's overflow.

宽容是真爱之流露。Endurance is an expression of love.

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就这些事务而言,将有更多信息流露出来。More will come out on these affairs.

这一刻,我们所有的心田流露着自豪!This moment, all our Xintian reveal pride!

和你渐衰的脸上流露的悲愁苦涩。And loved the sorrow of your changing face.

玛丽莎看着我,她的脸上流露着安慰之情。Relief flooded Marissa's face as she saw me.

俗气就是流露出来的一种下劣性。Vulgarity is a lowness that proclaims itself.

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士丹利在这个发明流露流。Stanley is in this stream of inventive outpouring.

它是自发的感情流露。It's the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.

现在她又饿又气,她开始流露难以抑制的怒火。Now she was hungry and angry. She began to smoulder.

这是他爱的见证,里面流露着纯纯的爱。His pledges of love, though, are the purest of candy.

这是他的真情流露,从他内心的最深处。Thats his true feeling, from the bottom of his heart.

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我深深地爱着我的祖国,黑色的眼睛流露着谦逊的笑窝。I love my motherland, black eyes shows a modest dimples.

从眼睛流露出来的爱情比较不容易造假!The eyes are less likely to fake the outpouring of love!

苏东坡一生的经历,根本是他本性的自然流露。The story of Su Tungpo is essentially the story of a mind.

这是一番个性鲜明且真情流露的表白。It is, typically, a bracing statement, not without feeling.

这短短的几句教条很自然地从她嘴里流露出来。The phrases of this little lecture came naturally to her lips.

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看到你内心深处的纠结从你眼睛中流露,你就去!Knowing your deepest ravel it's gonna appears your eye, you go!

搭配亚麻长裙,女孩素雅亲切感自然流露。Tie-in flax long skirt, girl simple but elegant kindness naturally.

通过悲情流露,我们可以告知其他交流对象——我们需要帮助。By acting sad, we tell other community members that we need support.