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其实这只是一种譬喻罢了。Actually it's merely an analogy.

我总在做出确定,譬喻戒烟。I'm regularly making resolutions- like giving up smoking.

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这个譬喻,是说明佛性从什么地方来的?This analogy explains where the Buddha-nature comes from.

但愿这个譬喻能帮住我们缄默、安静、坚忍。May this parable help us to be silent, still, and longsuffering.

譬喻,谁会吃到更多的披萨皮?谁会吃到更多的奶酪?Who gets more crust, for example, and who will eat the most cheese?

此理论的一个譬喻是介电质物质,例如塑胶、陶器或是纯水。An analogy is a dielectric material, such as plastic, ceramic or pure water.

譬喻爱一小我,想知道安静一点的歌。Only in this way can I know whwhenever desire not be nearly give up oned by time.

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艺术批评中普遍存在着喜好借用饮食譬喻的现象。There are the metaphor phenomena by diet in Chinese ancient literature and art criticism.

象这样的表象,一般地讲来可看成思想和概念的譬喻。Mental impressions such as these may be regarded as the metaphors of thoughts and notions.

几天前,我曾说过「打电话」的譬喻,现在我再说一个更简单的比喻吧!A few days ago I used the analogy of making phone calls. Now I will give a simpler analogy.

思考是譬喻的本质,语文是譬喻思考的「表象」。The essence of metaphor is thought, and language is the surface realization of thinking metaphorically.

兴的概念来自西周的乐语,其本义是连类譬喻。The notion of analogy came from music language in the West Zhou Dynasty, referring to comparison by species.

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但歌中都是隐语譬喻,不经过明师的指点,一般人是很难看明白的。But the song's argot parables, not through spiritual master advice, the average person is very ugly understand.

运用比较、分类、分析,及譬喻法来加深学生对于新词汇的理解。Deepening students' understanding of new terms by using comparison, classification, analogy, and metaphor activities.

雄麋魁伟高大,古代人以雄麋象征帝王,以“逐鹿中原”譬喻争夺王位。Moreover, seeking for elk was likened to contend for the throne, for the big and tall male elk symbolized the emperor.

尤其当你的事项很费时刻,譬喻从医、从事法令事项或是做企业家,这一条就越发紧张。This is especially true if you're working in any kind oftime-demanding field, such as medicine, law or entrepreneurship.

以一个很简单的譬喻,我们慈济的四大志业,慈善就是「慈」,大慈。A simple analogy for loving-kindness in the Four Missions of Tzu Chi is the Mission of Charity, which embodies Great Kindness.

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在仁波切身边的日子里,我发现仁波切常用幽默生动的譬喻和故事巧妙的来表达他的意思。During these days of serving by Rinpoche's side, I found he used to employ humorous metaphor and story to convey his meaning cleverly.

第一节用隐喻和转喻理论对譬喻和借代修辞格分别作具体分析,理解它们的生成机制。The first part analysizes simile and metonymy with the theory of metaphor and metonymy in order to understand their cognitive mechanism.

这是东西文化撞击的一种譬喻,它裹挟在全球化的风暴中,需要警惕的审视与反省。It is analogy of cultural conflict between China and the West, to which, is embedded in the wave of globalization, we need to keep an alert mind.