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何芸质问钟离干什么魂不守舍的?He Yun questioned bell from whats spaced out?

他没听到你说的话,他魂不守舍。He didn’t hear what you said. He’s spaced out.

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我把手表落在家里了,没有了手表感觉魂不守舍。I left my watch at home and I feel lost without it.

为什么淡淡的喜欢会让我如此魂不守舍!?。Why light likes being able to let me be so scared witless! ?

哇,要求那么高,一个有这样眼神的男人肯定让很多女孩魂不守舍的!Oh, that's too much! A guy with eyes like that is to die for!

你今天下午魂不守舍,出什么事了吗?。You have ants in your pants this afternoon. Is something wrong?

找了一天都没有找到宝莲,高虹魂不守舍的回到了家里。Find a day without finding GaoHong eal came back, glanced at home.

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威尔也以为这是吉特回来之后魂不守舍的缘由。Will also think this is jeter after the cause of the ants come back.

不知道在想什麽,也不知道为什么整天都魂不守舍。They do not know what they are thinking, do not know why, all day 108.

他的母亲坐在那儿感到魂不守舍,实际上变成了一块石头。His mother sat, feeling her heart had gone, turned actually into a stone.

魂不守舍回到家里的品如,在家门口遇见了前来探望她的奕德。The product such as ants returned home, at my doorstep met to visit her Wilson DE.

你知道我讨厌你,只是因为我爱你已经爱到魂不守舍的程度了。You know that when I hate you, it is because I love you to a point of passion that unhinges my soul.

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现在大家都管她叫破鞋,弄得她魂不守舍,几乎连自己是谁都不知道了。Now everybody called her a whore she felt utterly absent-minded and almost forget who she really was at all.

一个男人如果爱上一个女人后,会魂不守舍,对她充满了幻想与征服的欲望。If a man loves a woman, will be full of fantasy and desire One's mind is somewhat unhinged. , conquer to her.

向阳看出了夏琳的魂不守舍,可是夏琳还是假装没事,决心一个人解决难题。Xiangyang saw charlenes spaced out, but charlene or pretend to be all right, is determined to solve problems.

昨天他在大街上看到了一个靓妹,那一刻他魂不守舍地被迷住了。Yesterday he saw a strikingly beautiful girl on the street. He felt his spirit had left the body at that moment.

基于同样的理由,我曾相会过那美得令我魂不守舍的女人,也是离开我让我痛不欲生的女人,是这世上最美丽的女人。It is just as reasonable to suppose I have also met the woman whose beauty stunned me most and whose loss wounded me most.

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一次,我看书达到了空前绝后的程度,如痴如醉,在写作业的时候都在看那本书它使我魂不守舍。Once I reached the unprecedented level reading, mesmerizing in their homework when they are in the Look at this book it makes me restless.

不要到超市就被弄得兴奋不已。超市的商品都是经过精心安排的,故意让你魂不守舍,搞得你原先没打算买的这下都想买了。Don't get carried away at the supermarket. Products at the supermarket are carefully arranged to distract you and make you buy more than you originally intend to.

我爱死这次旅游了,真的很放松,当我回到英国之后感到完全地魂不守舍,我完全放弃了我在英国的生活。I loved this holiday, it was truely relaxing and when I arrived back in the UK, I felt totally spaced out, I had totally switched off from the life I lead back in the UK.