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“三农”问题也包括林业、林区、林农问题。The rural issue also includes the issues concerning about forestry, forest zone and foresters.

而从博弈角度考虑,主要是由于国家和林农作为林改的两个重要主体,有着不同的追求。In a game theory light, the nation and the farmers as the main body, have a different pursuit goal.

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使用获得性分析范式分析了政策管制和潜规则对林农收益获得性的影响。The study shows policy regulations are adverse to farmer's access and lead to dualistic interest structure.

林农是林业生态环境建设的最直接参与者和建设者。Forest farmers are participants of ecological environmental construction and forestry industrial development.

集体林权制度改革使得林农成为了林业发展的重要主体。The collective forest property right institution reform makes forest farmers a major part of forestry development.

通过合理的林分改造及抚育管理,可以提高单位面积的产量,增加林农的收入。The yield unit area can be increased after rational stand transformation and tending management, farmers income raised.

林权制度改革对提高林农的生产积极性及提高林农收入具有积极的作用。The reform of collective forest property right system has positive effect on production activity and income of forest farmers.

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二是林权抵押反担保贷款可以有效的缓解林农面临的信贷约束。Second, the forestry property mortgage and counter-guarantee loan can reduce the forestry farmers' credit constraint effectively.

我国近年来林业税费过重问题已严重地影响了林农造林的积极性,影响了林业的发展。Taxation and charge issues have been seriously effected the forest acivities of local farmers, pecipaion and forestry development.

我国近年来林业税费过重问题已严重地影响了林农造林的积极性,影响了林业的发展。Taxation and charge issues have been seriously effected the forest activities of local farmers' participation and forestry development.

林农是否有意愿投入用材林,是决定今后木材供需平衡的一个重要因素。Whether the forest farmers have wishes to input in timber forest is a decisive factor to the balance between supply and demand of woods.

降低营林活动整体风险,提高林农小额长期贷款的可能性,推动林权改革的深入及林业产业的发展。Thus, the overall risk of forest activities would lie reduced, and the possibility of small long-term loans to foresters would he raised.

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林权到户后,各级林业部门的职责是主动为林农搞好服务,寓管理于服务之中。Right down to the household level, all levels in the forestry sector is responsible for the initiative good service, including the management.

在生态林为主地区所进行的林业产权制度改革会遇到什么问题?林农对林改的反应如何?What problems will forest ownership reform face in the regions dominated by ecological forest and what's the reaction of farmers to the reform?

在做他们的工作,他们经常与建筑师,测量师,工程师,环境科学家,林农和其他专业人士。In doing their jobs, they often collaborate with architects, surveyors, engineers, environmental scientists, foresters, and other professionals.

为了保证林农复合生态系统的可持续发展,必须使经济、生态、社会三大效益协调发展。It can ensure the sustainable development of agroforestry that the three greatest benefits of economy, ecosystem and society harmonic development.

并根据三省退耕还林的实际调查数据,采用计量模型对退耕还林农户选择权认识问题进行检验。Using the survey data in three provinces and the econometrical model, we analyze the choice cognizance of participants in Grain for Green project.

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另一方面林农复合经营能够将交叉成本,主要是耕地的费用、地租等与农业间作进行分摊,减少林业经营要承担的费用。One side eucalyptus-crops agroforetry can reduce the forestry nurture cost, including loose soil, weeding under trees and applying fertilizer to eucalyptus.

其长期效应要求观察林农以及其他林业投资者是否表现出对森林资源保护和发展事业更高的热情。Its long-term effect requests observation whether or not peasants and other investors have higher enthusiasm for forest resources protection and development.

第六,林种不同、地域不同,影响林农林业投资意愿和投资规模的因素不同。Sixth, the factors affecting the forestry farmers to invest and their investment scale were different due to different forest types and regional differences.