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他已经为生活杂志工作30年,仍然是名利场杂志的签约摄影师。He photographed for LIFE for 30 years, and remains under contract with Vanity Fair.

2009年,布拉德·皮特已经连续三次荣登名利场国际最佳着装名单。Brad Pitt made it onto Vanity Fair's International Best-Dressed List for the third time in a row in 2009.

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这个艺术总监刚跟这照片编辑的老公跑掉。所以我将名利场中的人们放到他们之间。This art director just ran off with the husband of this photo editor. So I sat all of " vanity fair" between them.

梅格,在她去访问了一些时髦的朋友并第一次尝到了“名利场”的味道以后,也从中学得了一个有益的教训。Meg, too, learned a salutary lesson when she went to visit some fashionable friends and had her first taste of “Vanity

客户包括名利场,国家地理,奥杜邦,美国博物馆,美国运通,美国力登和弗吉尼亚旅游局。Clients include Vanity Fair, National Geographic, Audubon, Smithsonian, American Express, Dominion and Virginia Tourism.

出于某种原因,名利场没有修图,结果本期封面反而呈现出了一个勾魂夺魄的朱莉。For some reason, Vanity Fair has stopped trying and so we're left with a cover on which Jolie is trying to steal your soul.

他也是能在淡泊中坚持,在天下沸沸扬扬时沉默,在名利场外自甘寂寞的人。He is also can insist in living simply, when the world is noisy silences, is content to the lonely person outside the fame and fortune field.

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这个著名的演员邀请名利场记者加入去他的加勒比小岛的旅程。The notoriously private actor invited Vanity Fair along on a sailing trip to his Caribbean isle. "You've got all-access, " Johnny Depp declared.

要是有一个人,只赞成高雅清逸,不赞成功名利禄,那他的话大概只有一班在名利场中打过跟斗的人才听得懂。A man who advocates aesthetic effort and deprecates social effort is only likely to be understood by a class to which social effort has become a stale matter.

如今,在这个艺术被工具化和被奴化了的时代,许多画家在名利场上使出浑身解数,疯狂地复制自己的成熟的“图示”,哪儿还有几个在思考谈论艺术?Today, art has been enslaved. So many artists are trying their best to copy their established works. Is there anyone still thinking about art, and even the future of chinese ink?

去年,美国总统选举期间,在肯尼亚西部Kogelo的乔治继祖母家见到他之后,意大利版的名利场宣称要“找出”乔治·奥巴马。Last year, during the election campaign, the Italian edition of Vanity Fair claimed to have "found" George Obama, after meeting him at his step-grandmother's home in Kogelo, western Kenya.

好在张济海身处军营,这是一个相对远离名利场的所在,后来又执教军事大学,环境工作都使他能平心静气。Luckily, that time Zhang Jihai served for army, that was the location far away from vanity fair, and later taught in a military university. The working environment enabled him to calm down.

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由最佳的摄影师负责捕捉镜头,由最棒的造型设计大师负责服饰,名利场聚焦系列的女人—有模特、演员、艺人—可以自由尽情地让内在自我表露无遗、魅光四射。Captured by some of the best photographers and dressed by master stylists, the women in Vanity Fair’s Spotlight series—models, actresses, performers—are free to let their inner selves shine.