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不需要批准。No approval needed.

交易由管理员批准。Deals for approval by admin.

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他的申请被批准了。His application was approved.

巴西国家计量局必须批准合作备忘录。Inmetro must approve the MOU.

这一程序是由法律批准的。The law warrants this procedure.

噢,我还没有经过批准,我不知道有这个要求。oh, I haven't.i don't know that.

但是,令我惊奇的是我得到了批准。But to my surprise, I got the OK.

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国会批准了国家预算。The congress approved the budget.

该项提案已获得了批准。This proposal has been sanctified.

昨天他们批准了这项提案。They okayed the proposal yesterday.

一切都得由他批准。Everything had to have his approval.

该市批准了一项住房建筑规划。The city authorized a housing project.

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本条约须经批准方可生效。The treaty is subject to ratification.

谁批准碳酸钠滴注的?。Who approved a sodium bicarb infusion?

参议院拒绝批准这些提名。The Senate disapproved the nominations.

那项法案在长时间的辩论后被批准了。The bill was passed after long debates.

另一个问题是它能否得到批准。Another is whether it will get approved.

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外国人为何需要办理“入藏旅游批准函”?Foreign tourists how to travel in Tibet?

我对外国人能否被批准入境有裁决权。I can rule on the admissibility of aliens.

一个新的安全操作系统被批准取代云梯。A new OSHA approved substitute for ladders.