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你看他财大气粗,就知道他是个暴发户。You can tell he is a parvenu.

这个雇主只是个恶劣地土暴发户而已。The employer is a bad parvenu only.

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有个暴发户在舞会上神气活现地四处走动。A parvenu swaggers by oneself at a party.

坏人通常是喜欢炫耀的暴发户。Villains are frequently showy arrivistes.

掠夺成性的女暴发户们的客厅。The drawing-rooms of predatory new-rich women.

她是当地的暴发户之一。She is one of the nouveau riche in her hometown.

坦桑尼亚政府还不习惯成为暴发户。Tanzania’s government is not accustomed to upstart s.

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暴发户摆阔的生活方式显示出他的浅薄。The bounder's ostentatious life showed his inanition.

这些暴发户-克拉克夫妇和海多克夫妇-简直不知自爱。These upstarts-the Clarks and Haydocks-had no dignity.

但是现在很多女孩子都想嫁给暴发户。But many girls nowaday do want to marry a man filthy with dough.

吹嘘规模或许并非得体的行为,也是暴发户的象征。Boasting about size may be poor form and the sign of an arriviste.

有很多这样的暴发户都是大私酒贩子,你要知道。A lot of these newly rich people are just big bootleggers, you know.

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麦克弗森总的态度表明,他认为我是一个暴发户。McPherson's general attitude suggested that he regarded me as an upstart.

这些暴发户们雇佣了更多的人来服侍他们,支付的工资也有所提高。The nouveau riche is hiring more people to wait on him and paying them more.

继承了一笔意外的财产使他晋身为暴发户之列。An unexpected inheritance catapulted him into the ranks of the nouveaux riches.

人们否决并怨恨我们,还把我们描绘成足球界的暴发户。There is denial and resentment and a desire to depict us as footballs sudden upstarts.

或许是赚着昧心钱的暴发户,我很好运自己不属于这个消费群。Perhaps make money with Mei Xin upstart, I am glad he did not belong to this consumer group.

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也许是赚着昧心钱的暴发户,我很庆幸自己不属于这个消费群。Perhaps make money with Mei Xin upstart , I am glad he did not belong to this consumer group.

帕尔为财富的展示所吸引,他把他拍摄的莫斯科暴发户照片看作最佳作品。Fascinated by displays of wealth, Parr cites his photographs of the nouveau riche in Moscow as his best work.

我们这些旧石器时代的发达国家如今是暴发户的捕猎对象,我们掠食者的角色已经完了。We of the developed-world Paleolithic species are fair game for the upstarts now, our predator role exhausted.