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你呕吐吗?Do you vomit?

他开始呕吐。He began to vomit.

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我觉得想呕吐。I feel like vomitting.

给,呕吐袋在这儿。Here. Here's a barf bag.

有一个女孩儿呕吐了。One of the girls vomits.

孩子们都在呕吐。Our children are vomiting.

我恶心死了,呕吐。I was getting sick. Puking.

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我还要一个呕吐袋。May I have an air-sick bag?

我呕吐到你的车门上了。I threw up all over your door.

什么时候开始呕吐的?When did he start to vomitus ?

我在厕所里呕吐。I was throwing up in the toilet.

她一直呕吐了一夜。She has been vomiting all night.

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这婴儿刚刚呕吐过。The baby belched forth just now.

有过恶心,呕吐吗?Have you ever nauseated or vomited?

请给我另一个晕机呕吐袋好吗?May I have another airsickness bag?

孩子呕吐时,你能用手接住。Your kid throws-up and you catch it.

他把他吃的食物全都呕吐出来了。He vomited all the food he had eaten.

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他吃了油炸的食物就呕吐。His stomach rejected any fried foods.

整个上午她一直在呕吐。She has been chucking up all morning.

他把吃的早饭又呕吐出来了。He has chucked up his breakfast again.