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你的过分袒护,反而害了你的儿子。Your son suffers from your excessive shielding.

“我不会袒护我的儿子的,”李刚说道。"I will not shield my child," the elder Li said.

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你到底是心虚想老师袒护。还是有心耍我们班的人。Just look at what you've done! . You're away too far.

第十位陪审员理查·马希,是对柯帕乌有同情之感而袒护她的。Juror No. 10, Richard Marsh, was for Cowperwood in a sentimental way.

就在阿谁被袒护的完美幻想世界里,一切是那么清白,就像雪一样。In between the cover of another perfect wonder and it's so white as snow.

富士康也袒护自己的厂区管理,说他们尊重每一位工人。Foxconn has also defended its operation, saying it treats workers with respect.

我收敛我的手脚,极力袒护,但还是要难避磨砺。I convergence in my hands and feet, to protect, but difficult to avoid grounding.

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他正在英国寻求袒护,渴望他会受到很好的待遇。贝诺特曼说到。"He's seeking refuge in Britain and hopes he will be treated well, " Benotman said.

同时,沙特对美国袒护以色列也很有看法。Meanwhile, Saudis in general dislike what they see as America’s bias towards Israel.

当然,最有目共睹的进展是贸易袒护主义的威迫。The most watched development. of course. is the threat of trcommerciinge protectionism.

怜悯和骑士精神是其对本阶级的美化,他狡计用文学中的美来袒护丑恶的成本主义。He wanted to use aesthetics in the literature to cover the ugly aspect of the bourgeoisie.

奔跑穿过郊野,那儿我所有的萍踪都将被袒护,终将无处可去。Running through the field where all my tracks will be concealed and there's nowhere to go.

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滥用职权、擅自处理和袒护、包庇事故责任人的。Abuse of authority, unauthorized handling and shielding, shielding people responsible for the accident.

都伯先生又说,“有两个以上家长的孩子们,他们的家长对孩子立的规矩不同会导致袒护一方,这很令人困惑。Having two or more bosses who are giving children different rules is confusing and leads to taking sides.

但假使许多专家忧心如焚,却并没有产生重大的袒护主义浪潮。But despite the fears of many experts there has happlicationened to always no major outbreak of protectionism.

乐浪觉得人人都带着有色眼镜看待他们,老师们袒护的永远是精英班的学生。While Le Lang felt that everyone was prejudiced against them, and the teachers always favoured the brilliant students.

有些女人涂脂抹粉想袒护那因为无恶不作和行动放肆放任而留下的陈迹。Some of the females had tried to conceal the ravage of vice and dissipation by coating their faces with powder and paint.

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兰普尔说,诈这种药物没关系受害,是由于它具有消炎作用,而且它还能够袒护大脑细胞不受妨害。Lampl says the drugs benefits are due to its anti-inflammatory effect and its ability to protect brain cells from destruction.

包括当地书记在内的七名官员被判刑,六人因袒护而受到处分。Seven officials, including the local Communist Party Secretary, were thrown in jail, and six were reprimanded for the cover-up.

批评人士说中国出于自身利益考虑,袒护苏丹政府因其西部达尔富尔地区战争而遭受到的压力。Critics say self-interest has led China to shield the Sudanese Government from pressure over the conflict in the western region of Darfur.