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她有个习惯,每当人们的注意力集中到她身上时,她便会羞羞答答地畏缩不前。She had a habit of shrinking up whenever attention was focused on her.

这毫不奇怪,因为他们的父母很开心,也从不羞羞答答地示爱。They have happy parents who aren’t afraid to show their love to each other.

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如果一个公关人员羞羞答答的,试问她怎能执行其任务?。If a public relation officer is as shy as Daphne, how can she carry out her duty?

长话短说,当我们赶到52路站时,已是晚上11点正.我们等啊等,30分钟后,羞羞答答的52路车总算开过来了。when we got to the No 52 stop, it was already eleven sharp. We waited and waited.

在你爱的人面前,你羞羞答答。而在你喜欢的人面前,你展示出真实的自我。In front of the person you love, you tend to get shy, but in front of the person you like , you can show your own self.

芝麻大小的雪粒,羞羞答答地来到地面,又嫣然化作一颗晶莹的水滴,深情地亲吻着燥闷已久的土地。Sesame size Cube afraid to come to the ground, it turned into a crystal drop Yan Ran, affectionately kissing long boring dry land.

下围红底绣花筒裙,脚穿皮鞋,羞羞答答,不言不语,来到了一道路障前。Below the coat, she dresses an embroidered red skirt and wears a pair of leather shoes on her feet. The bride, shy and silent, comes to a barrier.

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有些年份,春天踮者脚尖走来。他停下脚步,像极了我躲在门外的小孙子,羞羞答答,俏声细语,躲避着我的视线,从过道一闪而过。In other years, spring tiptoes in. It pauses, overcome by shyness, like my grandchild at the door, peeping in, ducking out of sight, giggling in the hallway.

同法国当代史学家的这种自觉和这种魄力相比,在文学研究领域进行跨学科的尝试还显得羞羞答答、瞻前顾后。Contemporary with the French historian of this initiative and this courage than in the interdisciplinary field of literary studies attempt to further, so timid that indecisive.

锁上这些避孕套,原本就羞羞答答的半大孩子们,对健康性生活不置可否的年轻人,很有可能就改变主意空手离开商店了。Locked these condoms, originally on a half of timid children, sex life and not express an opinion on the health of young people, is likely to change his mind on leaving the store empty-handed had.