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抗蔓割病和炭疽病。Tolerant to fusarium wilt and anthracnose.

土霉素对炭疽杆菌是有效的。Oxytetracycline is effective against b anthracis.

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炭疽菌伽玛将让我们更强大一点。The Anthrax Gamma might make us a little stronger.

炭疽病严重的地块酸腐病也严重。The anthracnose infected soil also had severe acid rot.

这是我们从炭疽菌袭击中得出的令人沮丧的教训之一。That is the one of the sad lessons of the anthrax attacks.

炭疽细菌或孢子最小粒径可达1微米。An anthrax bacteria or spore might have a minimum size of one micron.

维克多的妈妈得炭疽病死后,佛雷迪就收养了他。When Victor's mother died from anthrax, Fredy came along and adopted him.

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黄萎病、灰霉病和炭疽病是草莓上发病较严重的病害。Verticillium wilt, gray mold and anthracnose are major diseases on strawberry.

山药炭疽病是山药上的重要病害。Yam anthracnose is an important disease for the crop Diascorea opposite Thunb.

恐怖分子把投放了炭疽病病毒的邮件寄往了各地。Terrorists sent letters around the world with the anthrax virus in the envelopes.

在两个香蕉菌群的外侧,两个胶胞炭疽菌菌株聚为一个小的外群。Two isolates of C. gloeosporioides formed an outgroup in outside of C. musae group.

研究表明,菌株A和菌株B是很有潜力的辣椒炭疽病的生防微生物。It showed that strain A and B were potential bio-control agent to PepperAnthracnose.

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该技术也可以被用于去除蛋白上的炭疽芽孢杆菌。The technology can also be used to remove Bacillus anthracis spores from egg whites.

我们正在做10美元的显微镜,我们周围的讨论主题是关于炭疽武器化。We're making 0 microscopes and the discussion around us is about weaponized anthrax.

柱花草炭疽病及其抗病育种进展。Stylo anthracnose and Current Research Progresses on Anthracnose Resistance Breeding.

炭疽毒素常常杀死家畜如羊、牛,但也能导致人的死亡。It most often kills domestic animals like sheep and cattle but it can kill humans too.

这项工作也可用于防治炭疽工程菌和鼠疫。The work may also be important for combating engineered strains of anthrax and plague.

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胶孢炭疽菌和黑线炭疽菌是麦冬炭疽病的病原菌。Colletotrichum dematium and C. gloeosporioides cause anthracnose of Ophiopogon japonicus.

柿炭疽病是陕西商洛柿树的主要病害之一。Persimmon anthracnose is one of the major diseases attacking persimmon trees in Shangzhou.

橡胶树炭疽病一般在橡胶树嫩叶期、高湿度的情况下发生危害。Sacc starts to endanger the rubber trees in young leaf period and high-moisture situation.