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什么是陨石?What’s meteorites?

欧,看,亨利,陨石!Ooh, look, Henry. Meteorites.

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也许是巨大的陨石击中地球。Maby a big rock heat the Earth.

小细胞肺癌,化石还是陨石?。Small Cell Lung Cancer, Fossil or Aerolite?

陨石的研究和收藏等若干章节。Investigation and collection of the Aerolite.

没有人知道为什么会有陨石从天而降。No one knows why there is aerolite from the sky.

我仿佛成了一块陨石,等候命运的安排。I am now like an aerolite waiting for my destiny.

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陨石球粒是由一些曾经液化的石头凝固而成的小滴。Chondrules are frozen droplets of once-liquid rock.

球粒陨石的或与之相关的。A stone of meteoric origin characterized by chondrules.

陨石是掉落地球的小行星残骸。Meteorites are asteroid fragments that fall to the ground.

过去地球已经多次受到大型空间陨石的打击。The Earth has been whacked by big space rocks in the past.

另外两种是根据铁陨石的化学成分来划分的。There are three classification schemes for iron meteorites.

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流星和陨石也是来自流星体中。And it's from meteoroids that we get meteors and meteorites.

陨石主要是镍铁,而融化的影响。The meteorite was mostly nickel-iron, which melted on impact.

我关上陨石房间的门,又打开了走廊对面的门。I close the meteorite room and try the door across thecorridor.

但我这次捡到的却是经过水流冲刷成为鹅卵石的玻璃陨石。It is marvelous that these pieces of aerolite I get are pebble.

这个行星的表面布满了小块陨石留下的撞击坑。A scar on the earth's surface left from the impact of a meteorite.

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她说,“太空中的流星和陨石可能会撞击我们的地球,我们已经准备好应对方法了。“There’s craters and meteoroids about to hit our planet.” She said.

来自南极格罗夫山蓝冰地区的GR99027陨石为一无球粒陨石。GR99027 meteorite from Blue Ice Area in Antarctica is an achondrite.

如果在俄罗斯你不吃完你的红菜汤,你就会被陨石击中。If you don't finish your Borshch in Russia, you get hit by a meteor.