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我可以预定你的车么?May I book your car?

你能预定奶油馅点心么?。Can you reserve eclairs?

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你是要预定年票吗?。Do you book year stamps?

你有没有预定机位?Have you reserved a seat?

他预定了一个双人间。He reserved a double room.

那班飞机预定什么时候到?What time is the plane due?

你们预定座位了吗?Have you reserved any seats?

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现在就预定来芭东旅游吧!Book your trip to Patong now!

是为你和你的朋友预定的.It’s for you and your friend.

我想预定一桌席。或者你也可以说…I'd like to make a reservation.

这文件电视节目超过了预定时间。The TV program outran its time.

知道了。谢谢您打电话预定。再见。Got it. Thanks for calling. Bye.

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船没有预定座位。The boat has non-reserved seats.

刚有一位客人取消预定。We have just had a cancellation.

你们今晚预定了桌位吗?Do you have reservations tonight?

我在永康做了个预定。I made a reservation in Yongkang.

预定截止期限到期。The reservation deadline expires.

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我们在预定的时间会晤。We met at the predetermined time.

请问是谁预定的餐位?Who made the reservation, please?

你预定了你的发球时候没有?Have you booked your Tee-off time?