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中国字很难写吗?Is it very hard to write Chinese characters?

我不会认中国字,这把我搞糊涂了。I can't read the Chinese characters and I am confused!

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中国字的书写讲究横平竖直。Chinese characters are particular about straight lines.

他写的中国字很漂亮,令人称赞。His beautiful Chinese handwriting makes people acclaim.

中国字是由“象形字”演变而来。Chinese character is evolved in "pictographic character".

很多外国人写中国字都有麻烦。Lots of foreigners have trouble writing Chinese character.

站在远处看,招牌上炫目的中国字非常醒目。From afar, the bold glare of Chinese characters stands out.

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要牢记所有的中国字很困难。It's difficult to memorize all of these Chinese characters.

越来越多外国人学习华语是因为中国字。More and more foreigners learn Chinese is because of Chinese words.

中国字“家”是结合字,它的一部分意思是“猪”。Chinese character home is associative and some part of it means pig.

我的一个亲戚想要一些中国字的毛笔。One of my relatives would like some brushes for writing Chinese characters.

如此中国字暗示著,政治和治水掌管众生,唇齿相依、相辅相成。Politics and water control, the Chinese character implies, are intimately linked.

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她把菜单带回家,花了几个月的时间织了一件毛衣,把中国字织在胸前。She took it home and spent months knitting a sweater with Chinese characters in the front.

西方的字是由左而右,中国字由上而下。Western words are written from left to right, Chinese characters are usually written in a descending manner.

有许多方法来出灯谜,诸如用中国字,有特殊意义的成语,或某些中国英雄的名字。There are many ways to make up riddles, such as using Chinese characters, phrases with special meanings, or the names of some Chinese heroes.

当我每次从法拉盛坐7号地铁出来的时候,我总是试图破解坐在我身边的人读的报纸上的中国字。Whenever I took the 7 train from flushing , I was always trying to interpret the Chinese characters on the newspaper people reading beside me.

还是中国字让我觉得更加的具有熟悉感和速度感,最近总是抑制不住的疲倦,所以只好一直这样漫无目的的敲着键盘,因为这样的时刻是清醒的。It was lasted for a long time. I am always so sleepy and the hot weather make me fell very bad. As a matter of fact, I ever could not clear my mind.

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这些辞,神秘的中国字,每一个是一座老房子,四堵高墙内流失了数不清的时间。These words are mysterious Chinese characters, each of which likes an old house. Countless time has been elapsed inside the four walls of the house.

这有一个初步的解释,中国字被设计成小块巢与他人一起,根据其中块的位置,所有的文字修改命令。There is an initial explanation for this, the Chinese sentences are designed as small blocks glued to each other in the order in which these blocks are located, all the text changes.