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这无可厚非It's not a vice.

他无可厚非是认真的。He was legit serious.

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就外表而言,这是完全无可厚非的。It is quite unobjectionable exteriorly.

商家的促销行为本身无可厚非。Business's promotion behavior itself undisputable.

你想为你的阁楼式温泉浴寻一个无可厚非的解决方案么?Looking for a no fuss solution for your loft style spa bath?

从本质上来说,发红包无可厚非。Essentially speaking gifting red envelopes is beyond reproach.

核能行业将需要达到高标准,这无可厚非。The industry will be held to a high standard and it should be.

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如果他把那种对小姨子的喜欢转化为亲情,仅仅是像关心妹妹一样是无可厚非的。I have sister too, she married a man who love she very much last year.

从表面上看,我寻求一点娱乐的做法是无可厚非的。Now on the surface, there's nothing wrong with me having a little fun.

站在中国的立场上,提出这些疑虑无可厚非。These concerns are both perfectly legitimate issues for China to raise.

无可厚非,欲望常常与痛苦相伴,但这不同样也赋予了我们生命的意义么?Sure, desire may create pain, but doesn’t it also provide meaning to life?

对于其个人无可厚非,同时钦佩其智谋和胆略!For their personal criticism, and admire their resourcefulness and courage!

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从博弈的角度看,申花此举当然无可厚非。Looked from the gambling angle that Shenhua this act is certainly undisputable.

价格战本无可厚非,价格竞争是第一位的市场竞争。Nothing wrong price war, price competition is the first competition in the market.

苦苦思索如何建成太空升降机梯其实是完全无可厚非的。There's nothing at all wrong with puzzling out how a space elevator could get built.

透露出你的私人信息——纵使这听起来无可厚非——足以把你卷入绯闻的漩涡之中。Answering personal information, even if it sounds innocent, can set you up for gossip.

“公众对高钠摄入量的关心是无可厚非的,”林博士在一份1978年的备忘录中写道。“The public's concern over high sodium intake is justifiable,” Dr.Lin wrote in a 1978 memo.

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最小的窗口大小可能是无可厚非的,但是要让人们能把窗口调整到他们所需要的大小。A minimum window size may be justifiable, but let people make windows as large as they want.

由于该单词是直接来源于古希腊语的,所以它令我觉得奇怪,倒也无可厚非。The word is straight out of Ancient Greek so it’s no wonder it looks a little odd to my eye.

“公众对高钠摄入量的关心是无可厚非的,”林博士在一份1978年的备忘录中写道。“The public’s concern over high sodium intake is justifiable, ” Dr. Lin wrote in a 1978 memo.