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条条大路通罗马!殊途同归!All roads lead to Rome!

条条道路通罗马。/殊途同归。All roads lead to rome.

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但在大旋涡的研究上,他们的工作看来却殊途同归。But their work appears to merge in the study of large eddies.

殊途同归,就像洛奇在15个回合的铃声响起后面对的脸庞那样,并不好看。Either way, like Rocky's face after 15 rounds in the ring, it won't be pretty.

这是佛法的伟大、周到,这就是所谓的「殊途同归,法门平等」。Thus, it is said that all paths lead to the same goal, as all methods are equal.

在语言使用与理解的互动方面,修辞学与语用学可谓殊途同归。It is on the language use and interpretation that rhetoric and pragmatics converge.

取得舞台艺术与电视艺术时空虚拟殊途同归的效果。Make the space—time of stage art and TV art reach the same goal by different routes.

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不过最终是殊途同归--债务负担之重被市场认为难以承受.But the end result was similar -- a debt burden that markets see as difficult to carry.

因此,这条轨道耗时还要久,不过的最终的结果却是殊途同归。So think about this-- this trajectory will take longer but it ends up at the same point.

毕竟有些道路是殊途同归的--只是它要花更长的时间到达目的地而已。Some roads, after all, do lead to the same destination-they just take longer to arrive there.

这行为带有极其偏执的无意义——它们殊途同归的唯一的目的地。This action is imbued with quite paranoiac meaninglessness -the only destination of their destiny.

这行为带有极其偏执的无意义——它们殊途同归的唯一目的地。This action is imbued with quite paranoiac meaninglessness – the only destination of their destiny.

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这两种机制分别从公法和私法两种不同的角度出发,导致了殊途同归的结果,即使得竟争法有了域外效力。Though stated from different points of view, they both offer ways to adapt competition law in the foreign lands.

但是,我还是坚持认为自由主义和保守主义其实是殊途同归的。But again, I stand on my statement that I think that libertarianism and conservatism are traveling the same path.

对着孩子大吼大叫让他们听话就像开车时为了开道而拼命按喇叭,二者殊途同归。Shouting to make your children obey is like using the horn to steel your car, and you get about the same results.

因而,在他们殊途同归的思想和创作中,闪耀着一种悲壮奋发的美学意蕴。Thus, the same thing in their thinking and creation, shines with a kind of tragic energetic aesthetic implication.

二人不同性格,殊途同归,是作者对现实的妥协,也是理想对现实的妥协。Two different personality, converge , is the author of a realistic compromise, the reality is the ideal compromise.

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所以,我的下场和老艾玛殊途同归,总是被那些长着一对长耳朵、聪明伶俐、奔跑迅速的兔子打得落花流水。So I walked along the same path as good old Elmer Fudd, outsmarted by those clever, long-eared, fast-running rabbits.

缠足是一种装饰行为,和隆胸或隆鼻殊途同归。Foot binding was a cosmetic practice, not much different in its own way from breast implantations or nose reconstruction.

方法从疗养医学与康复医学的殊途同归,强强联合,联合发展等方面提出证据。Methods The evidences were provided in aspect of combination of the recuperation medicine and the rehabilitation medicine.