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一点也不,我需要有人陪伴。Not at all- I need company.

他陪伴她去巴黎。He accompanied her to Paris.

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愿幸福常陪伴在你的身边。May happiness always follow you.

我很享受她的陪伴,她的声音。I enjoyed her company, her voice.

成长过程中没有学士陪伴。I never had a maester growing up.

乘飞机没有她的书陪伴,我会度日如年!I cannot get on a plane without one!

她去了天堂陪伴耶稣。Well she's up with the arms of Jesus.

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因为有着一大班朋友陪伴。As a friend to accompany a large class.

他挑拣出一保猫作为宠物陪伴自己。He selected a cat as pet following him.

我有一个室友陪伴我。I have a house-mate to keep me company.

我陪伴着生病的孩子彻夜未眠。She is in attendance on the sick child.

我陪伴着生病的孩子彻夜未眠。The child is never peevish unless sick.

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她仍由白先生陪伴着。She was still accompanied by M. Leblanc.

当我生病时,您总是陪伴着我。When I was sick, you always stood by me.

而小杰克则得到许多有妈妈陪伴的时光。And little Jakey gets lots of mommy time.

陪伴著柠檬月色迷迷濛濛。Keeping company the hazy lemon Moonlight.

你只是享受你的啤酒和它的陪伴。You just enjoy your beer and the company.

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上帝自有办法让你不需要任何陪伴。God will see that you do not want society.

却有明月陪伴,殷勤来相照。Only the bright moon comes to shine on me.

他留在家里陪伴太太。He stayed at home to keep his wife company.