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不顾那正在飘落的雪。Despite the falling snow.

终于飘落在地上。Finally fall on the ground.

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暮秋树叶飘落。The leaves fall in late autumn.

雨花飘落在它怀里。Upon whose bosom rain has lain.

一片枯叶飘落到苏比的膝头。A dead leaf fell in Soapy's lap.

鹅毛大雪开始纷纷飘落。It began to snow big, far flakes.

在叶子上,但叶子会飘落。On the leaf ? But leaves fall down.

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我可以看见从铅灰色的天空中飘落的雨丝。I can see drizzle from a leaden sky.

一些树叶飘落到地面。Some leaves fluttered to the ground.

一些树叶飘落在地上。Some leaves fluttered to the ground.

在秋天,很多叶子都从树上飘落。Leaves fall down from trees in autumn.

小雪花从天空飘落。Little snowflake falling from the sky.

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雨丝飘落下来了,奇妙的事发生了。The rain falls, and something happens.

啊!秋之军歌飘落在何方?Ah! Where are the army songs of autumn?

你甘让你那音乐飘落在我门前。In folds of golden fulness within my door?

没有叶子会违背我的旨意飘落。Without my blessing, not a leaf will fall.

生命之叶一片片飘落在泥尘。The Leaves of Life keep falling one by one.

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十月,树叶已飘落在湖面上。The October leaves have fallen on the lake.

梨。我是行走的风,飘落的雨。Dear pear, I'm a walking wind, a falling rain.

你像蛛丝一样飘落在亭阁上。Like gossamer you float and land on pavilions.