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他没有借助类固醇便办到了。And he did it all without steroids.

我借助她的帮助完成了这篇文章。I finished the essay through her help.

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拉筋能借助麻药吗?Stretching can help local anesthetic it?

那跛脚男子走路时需借助拐棍。The lame man needs a stick when he walks.

借助那些士兵的力量击退顽敌!Repel the enemy with thy valiant soldiers!

神不借助任何他者而包容一切。God enfolds, without otherness, all things.

他借助一根绳子慢慢地下来了。He let himself down slowly by means of a tope.

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我时常借助镊子来搞定这些造型。I use tweezers to manipulate the paper shapes.

这是张地图,借助它我们能到达那个森林。This is the map by which we can get to the forest.

做这个锻炼,你需要借助一个中等大小的健身球。For this exercise, you'll need a medium-sized ball.

他借助眼睛把字放大以便能够泛读。His eyeglasses magnify phrases so he can read them.

他希望借助诗歌顶天立地。He wants to use poetry to stand on his own two legs.

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他借助眼睛把字放大以便能够泛读。His eyeglasses magnify phrases so he can easyst you.

换句话说,我们可以借助减法的魔力。In other words, we can use the magic of subtraction.

借助分子运动的热的传导。The conduction of heat by the movement of molecules.

所有鼓瓦间借助拉簧连接在一起。All the drum tiles are connected through a drag spring.

不要借助流行时尚的方法减肥,而是要学会健康饮食。Don't turn to popular fad diets to help you lose weight.

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跟很多人一样,他也借助了网络来找住处,以便能订上最划算的房间。Like many people, he booked online to get the best deal.

天文学上就是借助儒略日来算的。This is done in astronomy, with the help of the julian day.

借助红外光谱和1H核磁共振谱图分析了产物的结构。The structures of both are characterized by FT-TR and 1H-NMR.