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他曾饱尝贫穷之苦。He is no stranger to poverty.

由于他们总是饱尝口渴的折磨。They suffer from thirst first and always.

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青少年饱尝了一种孤立感。Teenagers experience a feeling of isolation.

他早年饱尝过穷困和忧愁。He knew poverty and sorrow in his early days.

如果过短,最终会使你饱尝挫折。Make it too short and you’ll end up frustrated.

同样,饱尝了你的不腻人的甜蜜。Even so being full of your ne'er-cloying sweetness.

你饱尝的苦楚和困乏,催促著归家的脚步。Your pain and your hunger, they're drivin' you home.

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用串联的心萦绕著饱尝滋养的薰衣草。Nourished lavenders have been surrounded by chained hearts.

其它的植物就非得饱尝充足的阳光。Other plants can't do without tanking up loads of sunlight.

只要你细心观看,就能饱尝沿途美景。As long as you watch, can have beautiful scenery along the way.

他反对种族主义,为了他的人民他曾饱尝牢狱之苦。He had strong beliefs against racism and went to prison for his people.

这位传奇人物曾饱尝人世的辛酸。This legendary man has endured almost all the bitterness of human life.

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这些饱尝磨难的拓居者到达新大陆后的寿命只有两年。The life expectancy of these hardy settlers upon arriving was two years.

伊拜尔在饱尝棍棒或金属工具的奴役下长大。Iqbal lived under the constant threat of being beaten with sticks or metal tools.

饱尝败绩的森林保护者们能轻易列出一长串可能的失败理由。Forest conservationists, schooled in failure, rattle off a list of possible reasons why.

在阴暗、陋的筒子楼里,在呛人的油烟气味中,令人饱尝了生活的真实滋味。In the gloomy and simple apartments with choky smokes , you can taste the real flavor of life.

在阴暗、简陋的筒子楼里,在呛人的油烟气味中,令人饱尝了生活的真实滋味。In the gloomy and simple apartments with choky smokes , you can taste the real flavor of life.

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让都市人也可以饱尝到热带岛屿渡假、潜水的滋味。It allows urbanites to have an experience similar to vacationing and diving in tropical islands.

所以他们必要自食其果,饱尝独断独行的滋味。Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way, and shall be filled with their own devices.

面上再撒些巧克力,这个时候你就可以饱尝多米尼亚最传统的早餐了。Top it off with a hot chocolate and you've got yourself some traditional Dominican Republic fare.