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主人家是谁?Who is the owner?

原来这条小公犬在主人家里大搞破坏。The pup had been destructive in the house.

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巴肯和一只名叫威利的狗在主人家中过著幸福的生活。Bacon shares Suder's home with a dog named Willy.

由于是牲口,巴肯在主人家就成了被非法饲养。As livestock, Bacon is not permitted within the town limits.

帮你自己和主人家一个忙,把大部分的素食吃了。Do yourself and the host a favor by eating mostly from the veggie tray.

这个15磅重的家伙从主人家里逃出来后咬伤三人。The 15-pound animal bit three people after escaping from its owner's home.

过去佣人通常住在主人家中,而且还有自己的房间。Servants used to live in , and have their own rooms in their master'shouse.

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在到达主人家之前,你可能要先确定三件事情。Before arriving at your host's home, you may want to make sure of three things.

当我回到主人家庭,家庭父母亲让我马上打电话给国内的爸爸妈妈报平安。When I arrive home, host mom told me to call home to let my parents know I am safe.

每天我们回主人家的路上,你一路上都在给这些花籽浇水!Every day we walked to the master's house. And along the way you gave the seeds water!

每天我们回主人家的路上,你一路上都在给这些花籽浇水!Every day we walked to the master’s house. And along the way you gave the seeds water!

美洲蜜熊,一种浣熊样宠物从主人家逃出来,反复咬伤老妇。Kinkajou a raccoon -like pet escapes from home and repeatedly bites elderly miss. woman.

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莱西在离开主人家几百英哩处逃离出来,开始返回真正主人之家的旅程。Hundreds of miles away from her true family, Lassie escapes and sets out on a journey home.

在于7月7日从主人家的院子被偷走之后,这只25岁的宠物饱受折磨。The 25-year-old pet had been tortured after he was stolen from his owner's yard on July 7th.

猫主人家共有三口人,其中两人最近出现疑似流感症状。Two of the three people living in the cat's household had recently comedown with flulike symptoms.

小偷总是带着猫去偷东西,因为猫能把主人家的狗引开。The burglar always stole with the cat. While the dog was barking at the cat, The burglar opened the safes.

在从主人家中逃离后,库乔不知何故一口气跑到了120英里外的哥伦比亚市,并且住进了当地一位老妇人的家里。After slipping away from home, Cujo somehow ended up 120 miles in Columbia in the home of an elderly woman.

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这不仅可以减轻主人家在准备方面的压力,而且也可以减少经济负担。Not only will this lessen the burden on the host family in terms of preparation but also in financial aspects.

有位客人到某人家里作客,看见主人家的灶上烟囱是直的,旁边又有很多木材。One of the guests to visit someone at home, saw the hosts of the kitchen chimney is straight, next to a lot of wood.

只在靠你一边的路上种下了花种子,这样每当我们返回主人家时,你就可以一路给这些花浇水。I plant flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back from the stream, you've watered them.