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其语言艺术新鲜形象,含蓄凝炼。Its language is fresh and implied.

山田是一个说话优雅凝炼的人。Mr. Yamada is a very polished speaker.

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佛文化中凝炼着深沉的茶文化。There is heavy tea culture in Buddhism.

而为了塑造品牌,你则更需要凝炼品牌。To build a brand, you generally need to "contract" the brand.

文化大区的建设要做好文化因子的凝炼、提升和对接。In addition, cultural factors must be condensed, promoted and connected.

思想路线是一种思想原则,是在实践基础上凝炼而成的方法论。Ideology course is a principle, which is a methodology based on practice.

舞蹈形象鲜明、动作流畅、结构凝炼,于简洁中见功力。The dance had distinct characters, smooth movements and concise structure.

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通过凝炼、透彻的意象,他为我们提供了通向现实的新途径。Through his condensed translucent images he gives us fresh access to reality.

但是长诗也有不够凝炼之嫌,有些章节显得较松散。However, it seems that, with some stanzas incompact, the poem lacks conciseness.

但总的来说格言的简洁凝炼是与现代格言警句相类似的。But as a rule the terseness and point of the maxim approximate to the modern epigram.

简洁线条凝炼的空间感受是华贵而不张扬。Concise lines toes form the space of refine is experienced is showily and not make public.

她独一无二的艺术,用肖像法的元素发明了高度凝炼的叙事。Her unique art of storytelling employs iconographic elements to create a concentrated narration.

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整合力量,凝炼方向,加快应用数学学科建设。Conforming faculty, condensing direction, speeding up the construction of the applied mathematics.

现代英语纯名词短语高度凝炼,意义丰富,广为运用。Pure noun phrases of modern English are highly compact, concise, full of meanings and widely used.

四要善于创新,做好潞安新文化的凝炼、提升工作。Fourth, we should be good at innovation, and doing a good job of concisely Luan new culture and enhance the work.

大学精神是对大学文化的高度凝炼和提纯,是大学文化的精髓。The university spirit is congeals highly to the university culture builds up and deputes, is the university culture essence.

重视大学校训文化建设,对于凝炼与晋升大学精神、创建世界一流大学,至关主要。Regarding the culture construction of school motto, is very important to promote the university spirit and create a world class university.

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英语成语丰富多彩,是英语民族历史文化的结晶,是生活体验感触的凝聚,语言凝炼。English language riches in the idiom which result from English people's history and experience and life with characteristics of conciseness.

丽泽,作为中国安防产业发展的开拓者和见证者,传承着一种历经十余载凝炼而积淀下来的创业精神与企业文化。NeaTech has created its own corporate culture, as one of the forerunners and witnesses of China security products industry during the past decade.

舞蹈诗用凝炼语言、充沛的情感、丰富的想像、巧妙的构思和深邃的意境体现了诗的特质。The dancing poem achieves its poetic essence by its concise language, sufficient emotion, rich imagination, skillful design and profound artistic conception.