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说明当时白酒品质暴烈。Proof that liquor quality violent.

但人比任何动物更为暴烈。But man is more violent than any animal.

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他们的怒气暴烈可咒,他们的忿恨残忍可诅!Cursed be their anger, so fierce, and their fury, so cruel!

巴西东北的草原边,日日上演暴烈的牛仔竞技戏码。Northeast of Brazil grassland, a rodeo drama staged every day.

他说,这些袭击是他在孟买所看到的最暴烈的一些袭击。He said these attacks were some of the most violent he's seen in Mumbai.

这一切,很大程度上,是暴烈和恶毒党争的结果。This has, in a great degree, been produced by the violence and malignity of party spirit.

革命是暴动,是一个阶级推翻另一个阶级的暴烈的行动。A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another.

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从历史来看,支配势力与崛起势力之间的关系往往不和,有时甚至暴烈。Throughout history, relations between dominant and rising states have been uneasy—and often violent.

一路罗汉拳是模仿脾气暴烈性格急躁的罗汉,二路罗汉拳是模仿性格阴柔而奸诈的罗汉。Routine One is an imitation of a bad-tempered arhat with an evil mind. Routine Two is an imitation of cunning.

一度强大的玛雅文明在暴烈统治即将结束时,上演了一场动人心魄的冒险行动。A heart stopping mythic action-adventure set against the turbulent end times of the once great Mayan civilization.

它仿佛纯净的礼物,像来自上帝的恩典,施与一个卸除了暴烈的、负面感情的伪装,完全打开的灵魂。It felt like a pure gift, like grace from God, that may come to a soul that has opened and dropped its violent disguise.

“起初,他们极为暴烈的发酵”,哈科特说,“然后他们不再悬浮,啤酒也变成透明色”。"It ferments violently at the start, " Hackett says, "then it falls out of suspension and the beer becomes almost clear."

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在头脑清醒的瞬间里,温斯顿觉出他正跟旁人一样大喊大叫,用脚后跟暴烈地踢着椅子的横挡。In a lucid moment Winston found that he was shouting with the others and kicking his heel violently against the rung of his chair.

太阳暴烈的磁场搅动出了巨大的涡流,极热气体的外表美艳若花,却又危险至极。Whipped into gigantic swirls by the Sun's ferocious magnetic fields, the shell of super-hot gas is as beautiful as it is dangerous.

如果你在一种很糟的状态,认同,沈沁在想像里,那麽,每一个只是很小的不愉快都会产生暴烈的情感。If you are in a bad state, identified, immersed in imagination, then everything just a little unpleasant will produce a violent emotion.

民主运动先驱孙文以暴烈方式推动了晚清体制的解题,却因为沉淀太久的国民意识没有动员起来,而使中国陷入荒乱战祸之中。The herald of Movement for Democratic, Sun Yat-Sen, overthrew the Qing monarchy in arms, but didn't mobilize people immediately, and left China at war.

早期的大奖赛中,赛车往往使用由暴烈的化学药品和添加剂组成的强力混合物,通常含有大量的苯、乙醇和航空燃油。Early Grand Prix cars ran on a fierce mixture of powerful chemicals and additives, often featuring large quantities of benzene, alcohol and aviation fuel.

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作为对路边景色的描绘,此情此景暴烈而伤感。龚剑的笔触为静态的构图带来了动感。As a roadside panorama, the scene is harsh and melancholy, with violent brushstrokes bringing a certain sense of motion to an otherwise silent composition.

此人外表斯文洒脱,内心却怪戾暴烈、心狠手辣、诡计多端,专干大宗毒品买卖。This person appearance is gentle and free and easy, the heart blames crime however violent, cruel and evil, crafty, do a large amount of narcotics business only.

一路罗汉拳是模仿脾气暴烈性格急躁的罗汉,二路罗汉拳是模仿性格阴柔而奸诈的罗汉。Routine One is an imitation of a bad-tempered arhat with an evil mind. Routine Two is an imitation of cunning. It is performed fast one second and slowly the next.