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我们情同手足。We are like brothers and sisters.

那两位通知情同手足。Those two comrades are hand -in-glove with each other.

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你会得到一个兄长,一个真正的、情同手足的兄长。You will gain a brother, a real, affectionate brother.

你我情同手足,有福同享,有难同当。You and I should share weal and woe just like brothers.

我对高孚利先生那种情同手足的关心是至深且巨的。So fervent still was the sisterly interest I felt in Mr. Godfrey.

警察对抗议者们给予了情同手足般的待遇,这使得他们感到十分地惊奇。Protesters were astonished at the brotherly treatment of the police.

海勒虽喜战争题材,但不写军队里情同手足的兄弟。Heller took war as his subject, but he didn't write about backslapping brothers in arms.

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泰中两国情同手足,是患难之交和真诚的朋友。Thailand and China enjoy brotherly relations and are sincere friends sharing weal and woe.

我希望一起的中国公民能够安静相处,相互尊重,永远情同手足。I hope and wish that all Chinese citizens would live in peace, mutual respect and brotherhood forever.

在这个基础上,他们很容易地达成了谅解,几年来,凯瑟琳与这些小弟兄们算是情同手足了。On this basis an understanding was easily arrived at, and for several years catherine fraternized with her young kinsmen.

我与铸武蚩-朴成雄、青龙-李必立、和玄武吴光录情同手足。I have brotherly relationship with Joomoochi Park Seongwoong, Cheoro Lee Philip, and Hyeongo Gwangrok who appeared in TWSSG.

韩志杰和情同手足的兄弟潘虎白三等人来到孙家码头,将稻川社的鸦片踢到了水里。Jeff han and affectionate brother Pan Hu white third-class people come to saying wharf, kick the inagawa-kai club of opium into the water.

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我们都有情同手足的兄弟战死沙场,而他们的心灵却被五角大楼视为粪土,但这并不能赋予你们背叛的权利!We all have shipmates we remember. Some of them were shit on and pissed on by the Pentagon. But that doesn't give you the right to mutiny!

她也让周健生在她家里住下,两人情同手足,她期待周健生向她表白,没想到周健生已经心有所属。She also let Zhou Jiansheng stay in her home, two brothers, she expects Zhou Jiansheng say to her, I didnt think Zhou Jiansheng have heart has belongs to.

我梦想有一天,我们能够同桌而坐,情同手足,我们能够一起去祈涛,我知道我们会有那幸福的一天!I have a dream that one day that we are together at a table of brotherhood, and we will be able to pray together. I know that we will be happiness one day!

在生活中我们互相关心,班中其乐熔融,虽然只相识一年但却亲如兄弟情同手足。In life, we care for mutually, in class, its music melts , though, is acquainted only for one year but kiss if brothers are attached to each other like brothers.

逐渐,英国人越来越欢迎这些新来者,不过如果下一个大的收购者是中国央企,情况会有所变化,因为印度毕竟和英国情同手足。By and large, Britons seem to welcome the newcomers. Perhaps that might change if the next big acquirer is a state-backed Chinese firm, rather than a paternalistic Indian conglomerate.

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他的好兄弟甘波地,是名英勇的重案组CID,乐于助人,两人虽然非亲生兄弟但情同手足。Ground of his wave of good brother pleasant, it is the CID of serious case set of a heroism, be happy to help a person, although two people are not one's own brother but brotherly love.

他凭着聪明的头脑和灵巧的双手自力更生,在岛上建起了树屋居住,鲁滨逊解救了一名险些被食人族吃掉的当地人,起名为星期五,二人相依为命,情同手足。He with clever mind and deft hands self-reliance, built a tree house to live on the island, Robinson saved a nearly eaten by cannibals locals, called on Friday, two people together, brothers.