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鹤展翅飞上云天。The crane soared high into the sky.

只有和他在一起,我的心才能展翅高飞。Only with him can my heart fly high.

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他们必如鹰展翅上腾。They will soar on wings like eagles.

基思、埃文,你们现在都是鹰了。展翅高飞吧!Keith, Evan, you are Eagles now! Fly!

我们携手展翅高飞,跃上云端。We fly together, leapt to the clouds.

而柯尔律治,近来也展翅腾空。And Coleridge too has lately taken wing.

飞翔吧,像只展翅的雄鹰。Flying, like the tercel of opening wing!

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噢···这才是奇迹,弗格森的男孩们展翅高飞了。My, oh my, Fergie's boys are flying high.

“鹏”象征着展翅高飞,前程似锦。"Peng" symbolizes the fly, for the future.

曾经,有一个男孩展翅翺翔过。Once upon a time, there was a boy who flew.

欢乐、博爱、奇妙之声展翅飞旋。A winged sound of joy, and love, and wonder.

只要有翼,当秋风吹起,就能展翅上扬,探索碧空。With wings, a bird soars in the autumn wind.

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俄而白鹤展翅凌空,冲人霄汉。Eer volley crane wings, red people dauntless.

那阵阵长啸,是海鸥在展翅搏击。Uttering a cry, the sea gull flaps its wings.

有爱的翅膀不会疲惫,有梦想飞就能展翅高飞!If you want to fly, you will be a flying fish!

你现在已经准备好展翅飞翔了。You are now ready to spread your wings and fly.

展翅的精英是民族的保险。Exerting elites are the insurance of the nation.

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其中一幅叫做“致展翅高飞的云雀”。One of his prints is called "For Ascending Larks".

愿我们的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。May our love soar on the wings of a dove in flight.

有时候,梦想像鲲鹏一样,展翅高飞。Sometimes dream soaring above the earth like a roc.