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他的艺术到了火候了。His art has matured.

鱼做的火候够吗?。Is the fish cooked enough?

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你好象火候有些轻了。You seem to turn some light.

这鸡烤得正到火候。This roast hen is done to a turn.

烧鸡似乎已烤得恰到火候了。The chicken seems to be roasted to a turn.

具有定时功能,保证较佳火候。Timer function, ensuring optimum steaming effect.

其四是掌握火候,入锅15分钟即可。The fourth is to master the furnace, went in 15 minutes.

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并且加入大蒜,炸的火候大些,翻炒30秒左右。Add the garlic and sauté, stirring, for about 30 seconds.

做到什么火候?嫩些、适中还是老些?How would you like your steak , rare , medium of well_done ?

将其煮沸后调小火候,盖上盖炖45分钟。Bring to a boil, reduce the heat, cover and simmer 45 minutes.

不要吃生肉和生海鲜或者看起来火候不足的肉或海鲜。Don't eat any meat or seafood that is raw or appears undercooked.

置一平底煎锅,中低档火候,炒洋葱使其变软。In a saute pan, set over medium-low heat, cook onions until soft.

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但在评委眼中,该片在艺术上还欠些火候。In the judges’ eyes, however, the film was just not artsy enough.

煮腊八粥时控制好火候是关键。Controlling the heat is of great importance in making Laba porridge.

我连法语都没大明白,更甭提他怎么知道火候到了。I barely understood the French, let alone how he knew they were ready.

他的演唱技巧尚欠火候,这也使得他的歌听上去有些瑕疵。And his insufficient vocal technique makes his singing less easy on the ear.

但是,我怀疑----他能否应付帕奎奥那种火候的速度精灵。I don't know whether he's ever dealt with a speed demon of Pacquiao's caliber.

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警察加强火候审讯,以便弄清比利把偷来的钱藏在哪儿。The police put the heat on to find out where Billy had hidden the stolen money.

火候调低,倒入奶油,加盐和白胡椒粉调味。Adjust the heat to low. Add in cream and season with salt and white pepper to taste.

五是业务开通之初掉话严重、数据传输速率低、服务性能尚欠火候。Fifth, severe call-drops, low data rate, and inadequate performance from the outset.