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雅科仕将尝试与奔驰S级和雷克萨斯LS分庭抗礼。The Equus will try to go up against the Mercedes S-class and the Lexus LS.

该邦国当时正处于母系社会时代,并可与周天子分庭抗礼。The country was in matriarchal society at that time and had the power to oppose Zhou Dynasty.

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北京甚至希望,人民币有朝一日能作为实际上的世界性货币与美元分庭抗礼。Someday, Beijing hopes, the renminbi may even rival the dollar as the world's de facto currency.

早在一百多年前,他们就以自己的阿维尼翁教皇与罗马教皇分庭抗礼。For a hundred years or more they had their own Pope in Avignon rivalling and fighting the other Pope in Rome.

然后按照他们的思路进行改进,在未来的几十年内他们就会在军事技术方面与美国分庭抗礼。Progressing as they are they will be on a par with military technology with theUSAwithin a few decades at most.

秋山耿太郎先生的评论中还大力强调了平面媒体在订阅方面所具有的重要价值,正是凭借这一点平面媒体才有能力与网络媒体分庭抗礼。Mr Akiyama's comments highlight the value of subscriptions to print media in the struggle against online competition.

冷战时期苏联庞大的海军曾和美国分庭抗礼,而俄罗斯的海上力量远不及苏联时代。Russia's power at sea is a shadow of the formidable Soviet navy which challenged U.S. military dominance in the Cold War.

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过去一年中,在各色赛场上,"极速姐妹"已经可以与最强硬的男性车手分庭抗礼。The Speed Sisters have in the past year competed against the toughest male drivers in the expanding car racing scene here.

它也考察了那些怨恨如何将曾经欢欣鼓舞的民主党拆卸成彼此分庭抗礼的两个派系。"Nixonland" is also a study of how those resentments split the once triumphant Democratic Party into two warring factions.

它也考察了那些怨恨如何将曾经欢欣鼓舞的民主党拆卸成彼此分庭抗礼的两个派系。“Nixonland” is also a study of how those resentments split the once triumphant Democratic Party into two warring factions.

墨子及其创立的墨家学派,其思想观点多以儒家的反对命题而提出,儒、墨辩难,分庭抗礼,显赫于时。The Chinese classical novels came under the influence of Mohist school, which represented the authors approval of its ideas.

异端诗歌,毕竟与堂而皇之者们形成了煞有介事的分庭抗礼,从而以对等的身份羞辱地捉弄了权威者的地位。Deviated poems after all have formed contradiction with the glory, making game of the authority with an identity of equality.

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穆克吉在书中写道,“癌肿确实是植入我们染色体组中的负担,它与我们追求永生的强烈愿望强硬地分庭抗礼。”As Mukherjee writes, “Cancer is indeed the load built into our genome, the leaden counterweight to our aspirations for immortality.”

试图真正触动私有制,让雇员处于与资本家分庭抗礼的地位,那是资产阶级所绝对不能容忍的。When the private system is really affected and the employee is put in the position against capitalist, the capitalist would not tolerate it.

这种风格中,独奏乐器要和管弦乐队分庭抗礼,就会出现一种协作与让步,两者间会存在协作与让步的精神It's a genre in which a soloist will confront the orchestra and there'll be a kind of give and take a spirited give and take--between the two.

吐蕃时期它很强大,与唐朝分庭抗礼,到后来佛教文明让它走向另外一个高度。The Tubo kingdom was powerful, standing with the Tang Dynasty as an equal, then Buddhist civilization brought it to a different kind of height.

当年,他与父亲分庭抗礼时,老约翰·施特劳斯就打算把他网罗过去打打下手。When he stood up to the father as an equal in that very year, old John · Strauss intends him to be enlisted over right away acting as an assistant.

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通过这个协议,联合包裹将它在中国的运营网络扩大到了130个城市,与当时在144个城市中开展业务的联邦快递分庭抗礼。Through this agreement, UPS expanded its network to 130 cities in China, competing directly with FedEx, which had operations in 144 cities at that time.

与之相对应,日本的科技水平在上世纪60-70年代提升迅速,之后一度与美国分庭抗礼。By contrast, Japan's level of science and technology in the 60-70 age of the last century to upgrade quickly, followed by equal time with the United States.

在上赛季亨特与切赫意外相撞导致切赫头部严重受伤的情形人们依旧历历在目,而这两人将在这场比赛中分庭抗礼。Petr Cech and Stephen Hunt will line-up against each other in a repeat fixture of the controversial encounter which resulted in the Chelsea goalkeeper's head injury.