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民俗学的知识基础是田野作业。Fieldwork is the basic knowledge of folklore.

考古学、历史学和民俗学方面的展览品。Exhibitions of archaeology history and folklore.

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本文就其特殊角色进行了民俗学解读。This article makes an explanation of folklore on its special role.

医药民俗是民俗学研究的重要内容之一。Medical folklore is one of important contents of the folklore study.

它的形成具有深远的民俗学渊源和思想基础。Its taking shape possesses profound folklore origins and ideological basis.

我很赞成钟先生关于中国现代民俗学的肇始的见解。I am in favor of the Chung on China's views on the onset of modern folklore.

文章选择从民俗学的角度解读这部优秀的影视作品。This paper tries to interpret this excellent movie from the angle of folklore.

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普罗普是前苏联著名的民俗学者,举世公认的民间文艺学研究的一代宗师。Propp is the famous scholar of Russian folklore. He is well known all over the world.

本文从民俗学角度阐释妈祖文化对许地山创作的影响。The essay aims to tackle the inner mechanism of Xu's novels from the point view of folklore.

其实,与民间文艺学一刀两断的民俗学又何尝能独立门户。In fact, make a clean break with the Folk Art Folklore having the same problem can be their own.

在书中,韦斯曼说,民俗学研究者们会依照惯例来获得民乐版权,正是这让这些民乐汇集到了一起。In it, he says it was the usual practice for folklorists to copyright songs that they collected.

游牧文化、女性民俗和观音信仰研究构成了笔者民俗学研究的三大人容。Nomadic Culture, Female Customs and Faith in Kwan-yin constitute my research on the study of folklore.

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周作人是中国新文学理论的奠基人,同时又是中国现代民俗学的拓荒者。Zhou Zuoren is not only the founder of Chinese new literature, but also the pioneer of modem folklore.

我国民俗学田野作业在理论和方法方面还处于不完备的稚弱状态,对其进行反思是民俗学研究至关重要的环节。The field work of Chinese folklore is still in a young and immature state in terms of theory and method.

民俗学作为一门科学,不仅要研究乡村的风俗习惯,也要研究都市的民俗事象。As a kind of science, the folklore not only studies the rural custom habits but also the the urban folk customs.

交际民俗学研究个人在社会环境中的交际能力。The ethnography of communication refers to the study of the individual's communicative ability in the social setting.

自从远古的时代以后,檞寄生已经是欧洲民俗学的不可思议、神秘而且神圣植物之一。Since ancient times, the mistletoe has been one of the most magical, mysterious and sacred plants of European folklore.

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民俗学研究中的政治特性是客观存在,但一直以来没有引起学界的重视。The political feature of folklore research is an objective existence, but it hasn't caused plenty of attention in academia.

第一章探讨中秋节的民俗学意义及其在宋代的繁荣。In Chapter One, the signification in folklore of Mid-autumn Day and flourish of the festival in Song Dynasty were discussed.

浙江大学著名民俗学专家吕洪年老教授在现场声情并茂地讲述了关于“七夕”的民风民俗。The famous folklore expert, Professor Lu Hongnian from Zhejiang Universisty tells the stories of "Chinese valentine " vividly.