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国家对麻黄素实行统购统销。The State practices monopoly for the purchase and marketing of ephedrine.

本文试图从趋势研究的途径考察中共统购统销和农业税兴废的举措。This article explores the rise and the abolishment of the unified purchase and agricultural tax in China.

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粮食危机的出现,为统购统销政策的出台提供了一个重要时机。The grain crisis in 1953 offered an important opportunity to promulgate the Policy for Unified Purchase and Sale of Grain.

本文拟以河南内乡县为中心,以个案分析的形式讨论统购统销制度在基层的具体运作。Focus on Neixiang County, Henan Province, this paper will discuss the implementation of the Procurement System in grass-roots.

随着粮食流通体制改革的深入进行,粮食流通由统购统销转向市场开放。With the reform of the grain circulation system, grain circulation turns from the unified purchase and vendition to the open market.

土改、集体化、统购统销三大政策变动,直接影响了农民的生活和精神状态。The policy changes in Land reform, purchase and sale together and collectivization directly influenced the life and spirit of the farmers.

目前正在研究的一项提议是,由政府统购统销谷物和油籽,以确保在出口过剩出现之前先满足国内需求。A proposal for the government to buy and sell grains and oilseeds to ensure that domestic demand is met before exporting surpluses is being studied.

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在统购统销和集体化题材的作品中,出现了许多“思想落后”或道德败坏的刁民形象,被剥夺了话语权的农民受到了双重欺凌。In the literature of collectivization and purchase and sale together, Writers created many image of farmers with draggle thinking and demoralization.

建国初期,我国开始实施的统购统销政策,解决了当时的粮食危机,对工业化的发展和计划经济体制的形成发挥了很大作用,同时也存在着一些弊端。In the early period of the establishment of PR China, we carried out the policy of state monopoly over purchase and marketing and solved the food crisis at that time.

本文以河南唐河县为中心,对1953-1957年间粮食统购统销政策在农村地区得以推行的组织系统加以考察。Focused on Tanghe county, the author reviewed the organizations by which the Policy for Grain Unified Purchase and Sale was carried out in the rural areas in 1953-1957.

从改革开放到1990年,我国的农业生产主要是以国家计划为主要特征,表现为国家的统购统销政策和国家定价政策。In the period before 1990, agriculture policy was the most important reason which affected the farm product price, because the farm production was running under national planning greatly.

上海的粮食计划供应是国家整体计划的一部分,国家统购统销政策的出台直接导致了上海粮食计划供应制度的生成。Shanghai Food plan supply is the part of National whole plan, The enaction of the Central Purchase and Supply of Grain directly resulted in the creation of Shanghai Food plan supply system.

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统购统销政策的出台,与1953年粮食危机的出现、过渡时期总路线的贯彻有密切的关联。The promulgation of the Policy for Unified Purchase and Sale of Grain was closely related to the grain crisis in 1953 and the implementation of the general line for the transitional period.

另外,在酝酿采取统购统销政策时,中央政府一开始就把它纳入到过渡时期总路线中云,以便对城乡传统生产关系进行改造。Furthermore, with the promulgation of the policy, the central government made it a part of the general line to transform the traditional production relationship in townships and rural areas.

尤其是国家通过统购统销制度将农业社的大部分剩余都拿走之后,已很难在农业社内部对劳动投入形成有效的激励。Especially, after the government had levied most of surplus of production team through regulatory systems, it became difficult to establish effective incentive mechanism aiming at labor input.

在计划经济体制下,我国国有企业是指由国家统收统支、统购统销、统负盈亏的生产单位。In the planned economy period, the state-owned enterprises are governmental product units, whose profits and expenditures, purchases and sales, gains and losses are centralized by the government.

在计划经济体制时期,中共对农产品采取了统购统销政策,断绝农民与市场之间的聯系。During the planned economy period, the Chinese Communist Party implemented a policy of planned purchase and supply for agricultural products, which broke off the link between peasants and the market.