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他在绘画上师法古人。He imitated the ancients in painting.

那种逻辑是古人早知道了的。This logic was known to the ancients.

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古人能办的事-先人也能做。Whfound on man hjust asne-man can do.

古人近视了怎么办?How did the ancients correct misprint?

中国古人已有相当丰富的词法观念。Ancient China had rich accidence concepts.

古人有金库或保险箱吗?Did the ancients have exchequers or safes?

但古人只能用理想的眼睛测看。And, for they looked but with divining eyes.

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古人在这信上得了美好的证据。For by it the elders obtained a good report.

古人云“置之死地而后生”。The ancients cloud "doom to death and then".

它们的勤奋令古人兴叹。Their industriousness inspired the ancients.

古人将这三者合称三才。Ancients collectively, these three only three.

听取古人的建议,读圣经,古兰经。Takin elder advice, read the Bible, the Koran.

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郭峪往日的繁荣是由杰出的古人创造的。All ancients created the prosperousness of Guoyu.

古人学问无遗力,少壮工夫老始成。The learning without effort, the old time before.

古人云,千里之堤,溃于蚁穴。The ancients cloud, qianlizhidi, ulcer in the colony.

古人看现代,反穿都市第一奇文。The ancients look modern, anti-wear first queer city.

古人认为地球是扁平的,那样过了几个世纪。FOR centuries the ancients believed the Earth was flat.

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古人曾说时势造英雄。Someone once said that the circumstances create heroes.

你的门徒为什么犯古人的遗传呢。Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders?

最肯忘却古人诗,最不屑一顾是相思。Most Ken forget the ancients poem. The disdain is missing.