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特德真是个墨守成规的人。Ted is a real stick- in- the- mud.

有些项目就是墨守成规、总是跳不出来。Some projects just fall into a rut and never get out.

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你无法改变他们的意思,因为他们太墨守成规。You will never change their ideas. They are far too hidebound.

你是否发现你的生活有点墨守成规,犹如你总是干着老套事情?Do you find your life a little routine, like you're stuck in a rut?

一切都松松垮垮,墨守成规,得过且过,隐隐有些老百姓办事的味道。They would muddle on in the old slipshod way of trusting to chance.

他缺乏首创精神,墨守成规地办一切事情。He showed little initiative, handling all matters strictly by the book.

他是一个古板墨守成规的家伙,什么也不会延误他准时到达俱乐部的。He's a hard man, nothing could hold him back to come to the club in time.

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在最近一个月,你多久就会感到你们的婚姻有点墨守成规?In the last month, how often did you feel that your marriage was in a rut?

依靠的推荐引擎的风险在于它们会让你墨守成规、一成不变。The risk you run with recommendation engines is that they'll keep you in a rut.

但是墨守成规的人在这个国家历史上总是被证明是错误的。But conventional minds are always wrong about pivot moments in a nation's history.

传统华族文化并不提倡“食古不化”、“墨守成规”。Chinese culture and traditions do not advocate pedantry or preserving the sacred cows.

甚至历史证明通常是不墨守成规的人扮演着重要的角色。Yet history shows that it is often the nonconformist outsiders who play a pivotal role.

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我们为什么要墨守成规,不敢越雷池一步呢?Why do we have to stick to conventions and dare not go one step beyond the prescribed limit?

乐观来看,这次峰会让北约成为了一个身处转型中联盟,而非墨守成规。At best, this summit will show Nato as an alliance in transition, rather than frozen in the past.

当我们停滞不前、墨守成规,需要被指导的时候,它就帮助我们制定一项行动计划。It’s when we’re stuck in that rut and need a kick in the pants that it helps to have an action plan.

地方、州和联邦政府可以对墨守成规的用水权进行改革。And local, state and federal governments could begin to reform an often hidebound water rights system.

道贤的作战方案在墨守成规的停止着,成俊正一步一步走入他设计好的圈套之中。Dao Yin's battle plan in the Stick-in-the-mud stop, ChengJun are now one step into his design good trap in.

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你们可以选择希望而非恐惧、选择团结而非分裂、选择变革的希望而非墨守成规。You can choose hope over fear, unity over division, the promise of change over the power of the status quo.

跑步者往往是墨守成规的生物--我们跑同样的路线,同样的速度,常常还是同样的时间。Runners are often creatures of habit -- we run the sameroutes, at the same pace, usually during the same time of day.

如果我们再一味的因循守旧、墨守成规,最终将导致的健美操运动的发展停滞不前。Keeping following the beaten path of conventionality would eventually results in the stagnation in aerobics gymnastics.