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我要求国会延长这一权力的有效期限。I ask Congress to renew it.

句子可以无限延长There's no longest sentence.

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他延长服役三年。He reenlisted for three years.

期限不断在延长Well, they just kept going up.

但是怎样延长我们的职业生涯呢?But how do we extend our careers?

会议延长到5个小时。The meeting lengthened to 5 hours.

签证到期后怎样延长签证?How to extend a visa if it expires?

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本法案可延长第一个租赁期。The Act will extend the first term.

火吐也可以延长。The Fire Spit can also be extended.

连续服药或延长月经周期。Continuous dosing or extended cycle.

路在我的脚下慢慢的延长。The road is extending under my feet.

音符的时值延长,单纯把持续时间延长Notes are simply longer, held longer.

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含有杀菌剂以延长切削液使用寿命。Contains biocide to extend fluid life.

延长料管和柱塞头的使用寿命。Prolong the material tube life in use.

路在我的脚下慢慢的延长。The road is extending beneath my feet.

他在爱情上的沉默延长了魔法。But his reticence of love prolonged it.

这场比赛在延长赛上有多长时间?How long has this game been in overtime?

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笑延长寿命。Laughter prolongs the life span of a man.

他们把存取时间延长了几天。They prolonged their visit by a few days.

斯普利特的表面与延长曲线。Split the surface with the extended curve.