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顿时炮楼响了枪。Immediately fired the gun turret ring.

山上的炮楼把下面的海港地区置于射程之内。The fortress on the hill covered the harbour area beneath.

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1908年河北省长城,他形容一串炮楼像珠宝一样。Great Wall in Hebei Province in 1908. He described the towers as jewels.

2006年,当林赛最终找到原照片这个位置时,这些炮楼已经不见了。When Lindesay eventually found the location in 2006 the towers had all gone.

最初,吾基人应该去帮忙瑞博人征服皇室炮楼。Originally, the Wookiees were supposed to help the Rebels conquer an Imperial bunker.

林赛在这个同样地方有一张自己的照片,但是值得注意的是炮楼没有了。Lindesay had a photo of himself in that very spot but noticed that in his the tower was missing.

葛十三把炸药包扔上了炮楼,成功打开了战俘营的大门。Ge Shisan put the explosives into the blockhouse, successfully opened the door of the prison camp.

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那是一座长有250英尺、宽有150英尺、四角有炮楼、四边有城墙的、类似于古代撒马利亚的亚哈王国的城堡。It was 250 feet by 150 feet square, surrounded by a casemated wall like that of King Ahab in Samaria.

大闹平安城、炸炮楼等都做成了游戏副本,加入到游戏中。Be troubled by blockhouse of restful city, blast to wait greatly make it game carbon, in joining game.

戴金花不死心,又实施了第二次火烧炮楼的计划,但火一下就被鬼子扑灭了。Dai Jinhua never die, and the implementation of the plan of the second fire towers, but the fire was put out devils.

他让战士烧了李庄附近一一座炮楼,但松井识破此计不离李庄。Li Zhuang he let soldiers burned the blockhouse near eleven, but separated from Li Zhuang Matsui see through this account.

黄金部队的众人用巧计解决掉了看守炮楼的鬼子后总算是饱餐了一顿,并进行了充足的补给。The multitude of gold force with schemes to solve off guard towers was a feast on a whole after the devil, and adequate supplies.

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丁丑娃以擦鞋为由让老唐靠近监狱,二宽在炮楼上的枪声一响,丑娃就对老唐动手。Ding Chouwa to let the old Tang shoe grounds near the prison, two wide in the gun turret of a gunshot, ugly doll on the old hands down.

一些镀金的炮楼蔚为壮观,耸立在屋顶之上,整个建筑的四周有圆柱作支撑,圆柱之间立着栩栩如生的大理石雕像。Splendid gilded cupolas rose over the roof, and between the pillars that surrounded the whole building stood life-like statues of marble.

然而,在北柏林,法国人却没法摧毁这座堡垒,留下了两座炮楼和160万立方码的残骸。However, the French were unable to destroy the fortress in their northern Berlin sector, leaving two towers and 1.6 million cubic yards of debris.

车道宽带人攻打日军炮楼时发现很奇怪,炮兵两炮过去后守卫的日军逃走,他们成功缴获粮食。Lane broadband man fought against the Japanese found strange when the turret, artillery gun after the two guards of the Japanese escape, they successfully seized food.

瞥一眼有着佯装炮楼的城垛上矗立着高大的烟囱和许多石雕的总督官邸不难看见它所透露的拜伦风格的浪漫主义精神。A glimpse at the vice-regal residence reveals a certain Byronic romanticism. It is battlemented , with sham turrets, massive chimney-stacks, and a good deal of carved stone.

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添加动画细节,包括旋转无线电塔,炮楼,或者其他虚拟物体,这类物体的体积应该比较小,同时确实需要的时候才使用。Animated details to be added to structures. This can include rotating radio towers, turrets, and other dynamic objects. DTS objects of this sort should be small in size and used only when necessary.