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还是似军乐队声震云霄?。Or boom like a military band?

军乐队游行通过大街。The brass band paraded the main street.

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穿着白色制服的军乐队肃穆的站着。The white-clad military band stood to attention.

完美的人和军乐队的朋友聚会。Perfect people hangout with their marching band friends.

那的确是一个表演,由60人组成的军乐队参加。It's quite a show complete with a 60-piece military band.

军乐队演奏两国国歌。The military band played the national anthems of both sides.

冷溪卫队一营军乐队在F·哥德弗雷先生的指挥下,为晚宴演奏。The band of the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards, under Mr. F.

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上周我们的军乐队刚结束了州级比赛,我们得第一名,好兴奋!Our band just finished the final state marching band contest last week.

温家宝总理在萨苏总统的陪同下登上检阅台,军乐队奏响中刚两国国歌。Accompanied by President Denis Sassou-Nguesso, Wen stepped on the reviewing stand.

进入警察学院后费德洛娃吹萨克斯,是军乐队的成员。At the police academy, Fedorova played the saxophone as a member of the brass band.

作为国事访问的“序章”,它配有红地毯和军乐队。It is the starting point for state visits complete with red carpets and marching bands.

利比亚的直升机下吊着巨幅绿色国旗,一支军乐队在直升机下方的广场上演奏。Libyan helicopters towed vast green flags as an army band performed on the square below.

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如果说我有未来计划的话,我寻思过加入军乐队。If I had any plan for the future at all, it was the thought that maybe I could join an army band.

军乐队奏中南两国国歌,鸣礼炮19响。The military band played the national anthems of the two countries and a 19-gun salute was fired.

布什总统及夫人在抵达蒙罗维亚时由瑟利夫率军乐队和仪仗队迎接。On their arrival in Monrovia, the Bushes were greeted by Sirleaf, a military band and honor guard.

特别是妇女们,个个神采奕奕,有的还穿着长靴参加到军乐队中进行演奏……The women in particular become so vigorous that some even join the military band with long boots on.

在雄壮的21响礼炮声中,军乐队演奏中西两国国歌。The military band played the national anthems of China and Spain with 21 salutes lingering in the sky.

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随后的军乐队演奏被迫等到这个奇异事故被清理完毕。A marching band that followed was forced to wait as the bizarre aftermath of the incident was cleared away.

一个人能够洋洋得意地随着军乐队在四列纵队里行进,单凭这一点就足以使我对他轻视。That a man can take pleasure in marching in fours to the strains of a band is enough to make me despise him.

中国目前派连同其最高将领的军乐队到美国也许是希望缓解这种紧张局势。Perhaps hoping to defuse tensions, China recently sent its military band, along with its top generals, to the U. S.