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你看,传声器作用与电话的送话器很相像。The microphone, you see, acts much like a telephone transmitter.

在通信系统中,将送话器和受话器作成一体的一种电话机部件,它可以用一只手握住使用。An communication system , a telephone mouthpiece and receiver in a single unit that can be held in one hand.

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喉部送话器直接感受声门处皮肤的振动,不经过空气传导,因而具有很强的抗环境噪声干扰的能力。Throat microphone is highly immune to environmental noise because of its close contact with the throat skin.

根据不同的噪声场分布情况,就如何提高抗噪声送话器的抗噪能力进行了理论分析。According to the different distributions of noise fields how to increase the noise-cancelling ability is analyzed theoretically.

该电话的送话器和受话器共振达到相同的频率,从而实现通话。The device used transmitters and receivers whose resonances were tuned to the same frequency, allowing communication between them.

这套设备除了一般的电话送话器以外,还包括一个小萤光屏和一个电视摄像机。In addition to the usual telephone hanDset the equipment includes a small television screen anD, combined with the screen , a television camera.

本文仅涉及为研究一种多功能的骨导送话器测试仪而开展的应用基础研究结果。This article involves tbe achievement of development of applied basic research for studying a multifunctional bone-conduction transmitter testing instrument.

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我们是一家经销批发手机内配、手机液晶、排线、触摸屏、听筒、送话器、维修配件等产品的个体经营公司。We are a company of selling telephone accessories, LCD, flex cable, digitizer, receiver, microphone, maintenance parts and so on by distribution & wholesales.

遥控器还包含用于将音频信号从互联网装置传送到用户的扬声器,以及用于接收用户声音的送话器。The remote controller further includes a speaker for transferring an audio signal from the Internet device to the user, and a microphone for receiving a user's voice.

主要研究了几种常见的自适应噪声抵消算法,并通过理论分析,提出了变步长的并行LMS算法作为抗噪声送话器的自适应滤波算法。Some algorithms of adaptive noise cancellation are discussed. As adaptive filter algorithms of anti-noise speaker, the variable step size parallel LMS algorithms is put forward by theory analyse.