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总而言之,就是一个人的交易。It' was a one-man business, anyhow.

总而言之,人生如梦。After all, life is just like a dream.

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总而言之,他是一部活字典。In a word, he is a walking dictionary.

然而总而言之,绫波是一个不折不扣的迷团。But in overall, Ayanami was a total mystery.

总而言之,你最好不要用涂有N-9的避孕套。You're better off avoiding condoms with N-9.

总而言之,我们必须尽力去做这项工作。In one word, we must try our best to do the job.

总而言之,这就是值得钦佩的壮烈之美。This was, after all, the homage beauty was owed.

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总而言之,男女合班利多于弊。To sum up, coeducation does more good than harm.

总而言之,我们无法一直取悦每个人。In short, we cannot please everyone all the time.

总而言之,依凡对她一见钟情。In sum, Ivan fell in love with her at first sight.

因为一个生命总而言之是一条自命清高之道……MAO – Because a life in balance is a virtuous way.

总而言之,你会感到全身不舒服,健康问题也由此凸现。All in all, you wouldn’t be healthy or comfortable.

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总而言之,我觉得自己是一个立体的人。In a word, I thout myself a three-dimention person.

总而言之,就是从软到硬,假如你需要知道的话。That’s from soft to hard, in case you need to know.

总而言之呢,”我们需要重新发明便桶。New ideas. In short, we need to reinvent the toilet.

总而言之,进入越来越狭窄的专业化轨道。In short, an ever-narrowing funnel of specialization.

总而言之,他一遍又一遍不停地测试他的推理。In short, he tests his reasoning over and over again.

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总而言之,那天大使馆内有九个“贤知阳升”成员。All in all, nine Sapiens were at the embassy that day.

总而言之,父神从来没推却祂儿子任何一个的祈求。In short, the Father never denied his Son any request.

总而言之,梦是你的自我意识的产物。In summary, your dreams are a product of your own mind.