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吃饭也没有食欲。I had no appetite.

他们分头吃饭。They eat separately.

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人必须吃饭才能活。One must eat to live.

我们可以多在家吃饭。We could eat in more.

咱们今晚出去吃饭吧。Let's eat aut tonight.

他告诉我们什么时候吃饭。He told us when to eat.

你带她去吃饭。You take her to dinner.

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可是一个人吃饭好几年了。I used to be a playgirl.

中午12点半开始吃饭。Noon 12.30 began to eat.

请坐下吃饭吧。Please sit down at table.

他吃饭时我们等着。We waited while he dined.

他在吃饭,我们等他。We waited while he dined.

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叫全家人来吃饭。Call the family to dinner.

我们请客吃饭。We asked guests to dinner.

为什么要请客吃饭?Why Treat People to Meals?

弗兰克请我们吃饭。Frank treated us to dinner.

我比较喜欢在家吃饭。Me gusta más comer en casa.

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他们和客人一起吃饭。They eat with their guests.

他用刀叉吃饭。He eats with knife and fork.

劈开竹筒,就可以吃饭了!Split bamboo, you can lunch!