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真高赌注的扑克。Really high stakes poker.

什么是在扑克满堂彩?。What is a Full House in Poker?

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全码扑克,促销中。The entire code poker, promotions.

要玩扑克必须玩钱吗?。Do you play Porker card only for money?

我们有德州扑克游戏内置闪光灯。We have a Texas Holdem game built in Flash.

低级别的玩家,需要一个简单的看看单人扑克国艺厂家战略部署。At a low level, you'll need a simple strategy.

当你下一次玩扑克的时候,要记住这些。The next time you do a card trick-remember this.

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李德勒认为,扑克技巧体现在下注过程中。The skill, Mr Lederer argues, is in the betting.

布雷顿森林会议经常被比作是一场扑克游戏。Bretton Woods I is often compared to a poker game.

作为一个非职业的扑克赛报导记者,我答应了。Being an unprofessional poker reporter, I said yes.

威尔逊和加拉格尔心不在焉地打着扑克。Wilson and Gallagher play a desultory game of poker.

有一天晚上,六泰迪熊是在玩游戏扑克。One night, 6 teddy bears are playing a game of poker.

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感谢您继续发挥在扑克之星来到这里。Thank you for your continued play here on PokerStars.

在任何一个扑克游戏里带脸的牌往往威力更大。The face cards are usually powerful in any card game.

四次加注后弃牌是扑克对局中重要的错误之一。Four-bet folding is one of the cardinal sins in poker.

我从来没有玩过带赌博性质的游戏,像扑克之类的。I never play games which involve gambling, like poker.

你已经好多年玩接龙的扑克游戏时不用扑克牌了。You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.

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准备一副扑克,玩玩脱衣扑克游戏,也是一招。Get a pack of cards and play strip pokerfor better sex.

在扑克中,当你手气不好而下重注,你就是在虚张声势。In poker, you bluff when you bet heavily on a poor hand.

最有趣的东西是扑克里的“套”和“脸牌”。The most interesting things are the suits and face cards.