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这给了一个网站露脸的机会。This gives a web site web presence.

庄稼毁了,太阳有多年都没有露脸了。The sun won't be seen again for many years.

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某天清晨,太阳还没露脸。One morning, very early, before the sun was up.

因此,大凡有在媒体露脸留痕的机会,他都绝不放过。Therefore, a in a media appearances in evidence chance, he never pass.

那帮强盗屁滚尿流地逃跑了,但醋先生一直等到天大亮才敢露脸。Away scampered the thieves, but Mr Vinegar dared not quit his retreat till broad daylight.

古人就像我一样,喜欢从这儿看大海的风景,喜欢太阳一露脸就带来的温暖。Ancient humans liked the view of the sea from here, and the sudden warmth of the sun, as I do.

柳州的冬天终于舍得露脸,最后的几天里伴着冷雨和低温。Winter has finally made its appearance in Liuzhou, with both rain and cold temps the last few days.

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四月份确定两人已离婚,托里斯女士开始频频在全国总统竞选宣传中露脸。The separation was granted in April, and Ms Torres' face went up on election posters all over the country.

我们六人讨论如何制作投标视频时,就是否要在视频中露脸展开了争论。As the six of us discussed our pitch video, we debated whether we should show ourselves in the video at all.

“半盔露脸。”提利昂捏了捏她的鼻子。“我喜欢你的鼻子,当然是它留在你脸上的时候。”"It's open-faced. " Tyrion pinched her nose. "I am fond of looking at your nose. I would rather that you kept it. "

尼克松和基辛格希望通过帮助中国在国际舞台上重新露脸,抵消俄罗斯在亚洲的影响力。By helping China reappear on the international stage, Nixon and Kissinger hoped to offset Russian influence in Asia.

弗朗西斯脾气暴躁,灰熊受够了他的苦瓜脸,于是他最终没在温哥华露脸,而是被灰熊送到了别处。Francis never showed up in Vancouver, having been petulant and pouting enough for the Grizzlies to send him elsewhere.

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通过维基百科我们可以看到比帕莎·芭素又是一名印度模特儿,并转向宝莱坞发展,主要在电影里露脸儿。According to Wikipedia Bipasha Bassu is another Indian modelwho turned to acting and mainly appears in Bollywood films.

偶尔也会做做白日梦现在有一份“世界上最露脸的工作”摆在你面前,只需工作2个月却可以拿年薪,只动嘴不动手。Just working within 2 months, you can get the whole year salary. Just open your mouth instead of working with your hands.

接着,巴蒂尔又急忙忙学了几句蹩脚的中国话,兴冲冲地到中国搞推广去了。他到处露脸,签了不少照片。Battier learned some Chinese, and flew off to the Far East to do commercials, make appearances and sign a lot of autographs.

如果你希望在网上多露脸可个人资料没有被妥善链接起来,那么它所返回的结果可能会让你很失望。Or it can be disappointing if you're someone who wants a well developed web presence but haven't linked profile pages up well.

据知情人士透露,克林顿在周六时,与泰国曼谷完成了部分露脸的戏份。Clinton, who'll play himself in the comedy, shot his brief appearance on Saturday in Bangkok, where part of the production takes place.

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卡波04-05赛季从法甲欧赛尔队转投尤文,但只是在赛季前的热身赛中有过几次露脸,随即租借到摩纳哥。Kapo joined the Turin giants from Auxerre in 2004-05, but made just 14 Serie A appearances before spending last term on loan at Monaco.

华湘米业的展台,搬来了一幅真实的生态画卷,让消费者一下子记住了该公司首次在农博会上露脸的山泉米。Shown a true ecological picture, Huaxiang Rice Co. which showed a true ecological picture for its nature products with vivid situation.

论坛活动得到中国媒体的广泛宣传,以至于英国著名道教学者彭马田有机会长时间露脸于中国电视上。It received extensive play in the Chinese media, with a noted British Daoist scholar, Martin Palmer, getting airtime on Chinese television.