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医生治疗这个男孩的天花病。The doctor treated the boy for smallpox.

种牛痘防天花是有效的。Vaccination for smallpox is efficacious.

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我的小孩种了牛痘以防天花。My child was vaccinated against smallpox.

种牛痘疫苗可以控制住天花。Smallpox can be contained by vaccination.

每天花一些时间跟自己相处。Spend time alone with yourself every day.

天花曾是世界的大患。Smallpox was once the scourge of the world.

接种牛痘能使人免患天花。Vaccination immunizes one against smallpox.

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我的小孩种了牛痘以防天花。She is vaccinate against smallpox as a child.

种牛痘防天花是有效的。Vaccination is a preventive against smallpox.

软膜天花是什么了吗?We understand the soft film smallpox is what?

种牛痘可以免患天花。Vaccination immunizes people against smallpox.

种痘能使人免患天花。Vaccination immunizes people against smallpox.

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他们已经种痘,对天花有免疫力。They are immune from smallpox due to vaccination.

你儿子应当注射预防天花的预防针。Your son ought to be inoculated against smallpox.

我种过牛痘了,所以对天花有免疫力。I'm immune to smallpox as a result of vaccination.

所有儿童都种了牛痘以预防天花。The children were all vaccinated against smallpox.

异形长条铝扣板天花。Smallpox of abnormity strip aluminous gusset plate.

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这15人也把天花带到了复活节岛。Of these 15 people to smallpox to the Easter Island.

我出生在一九七零年之前,我接种过天花疫苗I was born before 1970, I got a smallpox vaccination.

由于种了牛痘我们对天花有免疫力。We are immune to smallpox as a result of vaccination.