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你可以听见黑暗中无方的狗叫声。You can bear dogs bark in the distance in the dark.

她因对预算的管理无方而被夸奖。事实上在职研究生学历证书。She was praised for her economical management of the budget.

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这种情况在一定程度上是由于蒋对战争的精神领导无方。Part of this was due to the inadequate moral leadership Chiang gave to the war.

其中一位无方行动,我们让她的儿子和她住在一起来照顾她。One of them is a handicap and we allow her son to stay with her to look after her.

中国政府已经承诺在谈判中给予本国钢铁企业支持,但却乏术无方.Beijing has pledged to support its mills in the talks, but its options are limited.

英国已故戴安娜王妃的纪念喷泉近日被英国国会议员们指责为“设计有误,建造无方”。A memorial to the Princess Diana has been condemned as " ill-conceived and ill- executed" by MPs.

过一会儿,他们将发觉我管教无方,也想到他们的爸爸所缴的学费,会越发放开嗓门大笑起来。In a moment they will laugh more loudly, aware of my lack of rule and of the fees their papas pay.

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门簪无方形、长方形、菱形、六角形、八角形等形态。The gdined hairpin comes in the shapes of squares, rectways, diamonds, hexagons, octagons, fantasticd etc.

由于乔治•布什治国无方,共和党在这场角逐中可谓占尽下风,但他们现在终于有了一线希望。Given George Bush’s failings, the Republicans face an uphill challenge, but they have given themselves a chance.

这个令人不安的4号反应堆仍然还埋在一个杂乱无方水泥箱下面,直立在事故发生的那些让人无言的岁月。The shattered reactor 4 still lies beneath a haphazard concrete sarcophagus, erected in the frantic months after the accident.

那晚我没有拉其他的乘客。我漫无方向地开着车,陷入沉思中。那天其余的时间,我几乎说不出话。I didn't pick up any more passengers that shift. I drove aimlessly, lost in thought. For the rest of that day, I could hardly talk.

罗鲍波表示,这一地区“长期受到莫斯科的忽视”,深受“令人震惊的腐败现象,以及地方政府治理无方”之苦。The region suffers from "long-term neglect by Moscow" and "appalling corruption and misgovernment at regional level", Bobo Lo says.

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由于他领导无方,导致改革阵营分崩离析,并被日里诺夫斯基这种总把事情看得太简单的民族主义分子搞得晕头转向。His lack of leadership allowed the reform forces to fragment and be swamped by such simplistic nationalists as Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

如今他把自己的时间和相当大部分的财产用来研究治国无方问题,许多人认为这是非洲的最大绊脚石。He is now devoting his time and a substantial portion of his fortune to addressing what many consider Africa's biggest failing, bad governance.

所以,治军无方的将领不能让他统率军队,离心离德的军队不能用以攻伐故人。Thus a general that is not able to manage and control an army should not lead his troops, a rebellious army should not be used against an enemy.

为什么法国最后成为了一个共和国,即第三共和国,而第三共和国因治国无方,饱受职责和抨击How does this country end up being a Republic, the Third Republic, which has been castigated or been denounced because it seemed to fumble along?

这幢建筑除了富丽堂皇以外,还有如鬼域,黑暗陈腐的居室,嘎吱作响的房门,薄纱窗帘漫无方向地飘动。Despite its grandeur, the building had a ghostly quality, with its dark, musty rooms, creaking doors, and gossamer curtains that fluttered aimlessly.

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此悲剧并非大自然一手造成,专家与救援单位谴责政府的失职不仅只于未能警告人民,救援工作也处理无方。But the tragedy is not entirely nature's doing. Experts and aid agencies blame government ineptness for not only failing to warn people but also for mishandling relief.

由于经济情况一团糟,特务横行,加上最高当局指挥无方,犯了严重的战略性错误,各级军官普遍厌战。Economic chaos, gestapo terror, terrible blunders in strategy at the highest levels had all served to disgust the officers' corps with the way the war was being conducted.

在寂寞无边的夜里,路也显得遥远而无方,但只要记得,在那冬日极寒的冰雪深处孕育着的种子,她将会在春日阳光的关爱之下出落成玫瑰。When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long, just remember that in the winter, far beneath the bitter snow, lies the seed that with the sun's love in the spring becomes the rose.